WHAT are you?

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I'm just looking at the light blue sky without end. Without purpose. Without anyone. I've been here at least a year... thats all i know, could be longer. I crawled for quite a bit too now... I don't know how far i made it but i don't see an 'other side'. I just lost everything. My Fred, my home, My hope, my will to live, my-
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING?!?!" i heard someone shout, i didn't even flinch... i couldn't. All i could do is lay on the floor and look at the sky. I could hear someone running towards me, suddenly a figure blocked my view to the sky... that figure looks oddly familiar, but i cant remember, i don't really care to be honest.
"H-holy... t-they did that to you?" Huh? Who did what... i try to say something but all that comes out is glitching
"I'm taking you with me and i'm fixing you up!" They... i'm getting out of here... finally...
I don't feel happy...
I still didn't feel anything but anger... why is that? I felt him pick me up, it burned, everything hurt... but i couldn't move.
"Gosh... light as a feather, rotten, rusty... whatever happened to you i'm so sorry!" Now that i think about it i don't know how i look like, i haven't seen myself in so long
"See you later... and i'm sorry.... so so sorry" i felt everything around me start to blur, i closed my eyes and faded into darkness

There it was, the black void again, haven't been here since my first repair. Looks just like back then. When i first met... Fred...
I look down at my- thats... not my body... thats Spring Bonnie... where is my body? The fuck?! Everything is Spring Bonnie: arms, legs, chest, even when i touch my head i feel the ears. Why did this happen? Shouldn't i have had Spring Bonnies body when i first got here then? This is... confusing to say the least... or i'm overthinking it.

Wandering around feels good, its just me, my thoughts and the void. No pain, no danger... just in general nothing else. Yet again it feels like i have walked hours, but at the same time just mere minutes. The concept of time here is fucked... whatever. Think about what that dude said. So who is 'they', what do i look like and why did he apologise... I mean, i can't know what i look like currently so that leaves us with two questions... 'what they did to you'... is he referring to the people that.... wanted to scrap Fred and I? Does he know them? How did he even know something happened... just... its all confusing... and why did he apologise?
What is that? There is a grey figure in the distance... thats... very unsettling.
i try walk towards it... but the more i walk towards it, the further away it gets... weird... i keep walking towards it, but it just keeps getting further

I get interrupted by the void becoming light... No! I can't return now! I have to find out what it is! I make a run towards it, full speed without a care... What was a void got brighter and brighter, before i could even get close i couldn't see it... it was all white...

I jolt awake and look around... so... it wasn't a dream... i'm really out of that hell hole... wait a fucking second.
I look down at my rotten body. There are pieces missing, i'm covered in rust... but that was not the reason i looked down...

i can move again

"Seems you are awake" i heard a voice behind me say. I turn around and see the person who, i guess, saved me.
"Who are you" i said sternly, my voice was still glitchy but at least i can speak
"Uhm.. my name is Mike!" He both sounded and looked nervous.
"Spring Bonnie"
"Well nice to meet you!" He already annoys me
"What year is it?" I have to know how long i have been there...
"Oh, we're in 1986!" Fucking... 3 years...
"3 YEARS?!?!" I shout making him flinch
"Woa bud, please calm down! Screaming won't get you anywhere Spring Bonnie" i scoff
"Whatever. What is this place... where am i?"
"Y-you are at my pizzeria! Currently in the parts and service room cause i was fixing you... o-or at least trying to" what does he mean by that? I made eye contact with him. He immediately looked away... Cool... he is scared... can i blame him tho?
"Y-you were badly damaged. I-i couldn't fix much..." he said, his voice shaking
"How bad exactly?"
"Nearly beyond repair" i sigh
"Well you did all you could so thanks..."
"Glad to help" he smiled a bit. Its still surprising that i have been stuck there for 3 god damn years... its also quite impressive what this amount of time has done to my body

"You should meet the others" ....what
"What do you mean by that" i said trying to keep my cool, i'm not sure if i managed to cause he flinched
"T-there are f-four other animatronics here... s-so maybe you c-could get along with them?" NONONONONONO HELL NO! I HAVE BEEN BROKEN WAY TOO MANY TIMES, I'M DONE! NO FRIENDSHIPS, NO FEELINGS, NO NOTHING, I WONT LET MYSELF GET HURT AGAIN!
Next second i see myself next to a wall, the wall had a hole in it and my arm hurt like hell... did...
"W-why-" answer was yes... i did that
"I need some time alone" i mumbled with my head down. He looked at me worriedly but i didn't care. I turned around and went to the door
"W-wait" he said but it was too late. I opened the door and saw them... fucking end me

my rough personality (Spring Bonnie) AUWhere stories live. Discover now