I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-Algebra Teacher

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Miley Aetos' POV

I grin and wipe the blood off my lip. "Uh oh," Marco, a son of Apollo, mutters and starts yelping as he blocks my attacks faster, "Miley wait! I'm sorry!" I laugh as I stop swinging my duel swords, "Sorry, you know I get an adrenaline rush when that happens." Marco nods and pants, "Luke's got his work cut out for him doesn't he." 

I gasp in offense, "I am a lovely rose, blooming in the spring. A true idea of beauty and grace." I stop and start laughing hard with Marco joining, "That's all lies! You should be the daughter of the Norse God of Lies, Loki!" I yell in mock offense, "Meanie!" Marco snorts hard and laughs more, "Nineteen years old and still childish!"

I look around to see everyone smiling and joining in on the laughing as we spared in the rain storm. When I first arrived, campers thought I would be rude like all the other Ares children. It was a surprise when I acted like myself and everyone eventually accepted it. 

My half-siblings who showed up over the years, find it a refreshing change in the cabin when they wake up to my shenanigans. When I met Luke Castellan, it wasn't a big surprise when we hung out all the time and caused mischief. Luke and I have been dating for five years, it's the happiest I've ever been.

Luke walked over to the edge of the sparing field and smiled, "Hello, my beautiful partner in crime." I smiled and kissed him, "Hello my trickster. Have a good day with the hooligans?" Luke smiled, "Of course, they keep teasing me about you." I snort, "Figures." Sprinting over to the field, Morales yelled, "Miley! Grover needs you at the border! Minotaur!" I kissed Luke's lips, "I'll be back, Luke." Luke nodded, "Be safe!" 

I sprinted out to the border and looked ahead to see the Minotaur attacking Grover and a boy about twelve years old. I took the duel swords that my father gave me out and ran to Grover's side, "Grover!" Grover sighed, "Thank god you are here, Miley. Percy Jackson is the demigod. He's trying to take on the Minotaur because the monster sent his mother somewhere." I groaned, "Fucking monsters. Alright, I'll handle this." 

I found Percy Jackson and grabbed his shoulder, "Percy, get back to Grover! I'll handle this!" Percy yelled, "He killed my mother! I-" I pushed him softly to Grover, "Stay by Grover! I'll handle him and we will discuss what happened to your mother! Now go!" Percy ran back to Grover and I faced the Minotaur, staring him in the eyes, "Let's get this over with, you oversized heifer." 

I sprinted at the Minotaur as he sprinted to me and I slashed at his side, landing perfectly and watching the monster fall to the ground. The Minotaur gets back up and charges me, only to be knocked down again. The Minotaur growls and throws a rock at me, causing me to be knocked to the ground and I heard Grover yell, "Miley!" I smirked, "Let's finish this." I noticed that the Minotaur had a broken horn and when the monster went to headbutt me, I jumped on his back, broke his horn off, and shoved it into the back of his head, causing him to evaporate, leaving the trophy in my hand. 

I hurried back over to the boys and Percy looked at me in awe, "Who are you?" I smiled and helped Grover up, "Miley Aetos. You're safe here, Percy." Percy collapsed in shock more than likely, I picked him up and carried him into camp, praying this rain would stop.


I stood off to the side, watching as other half-bloods whispered as they stood over an unconscious Percy. There were only about eight half-bloods that were either eighteen or nineteen. Luke and I are the oldest at nineteen and my half-brothers Jake, Morales, and Eddie are eighteen with Marco, Aaron, and Spencer. The oldest of the campers would usually stand some ways away from newcomers so they could get a feel for the place without giants towering over them. 

I think out of the eight of us, I'm the shortest at five foot and ten inches tall. I smiled as I saw that Percy was starting to wake up as the storm finally left. Luke wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my temple, "Great work with the Minotaur. Will you keep the horn?" I shook my head, "I'll give it to Percy. I did take his kill after all." Chiron smiled and nodded to Percy,

"Welcome to camp, Percy Jackson. We've been expecting you."

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