I Become Supreme Lord of the Bathroom

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Miley's POV

The next day, I walked down to the infirmary to check on Percy and found Grover there as well, "How is he doing?" Grover sighed, "Not awake yet. Thank you, Miley." I smiled, "It's my job. And you know me, I never back down on a fight." We both looked over to see Percy waking up and Grover sighed in relief, "It's okay. You're safe." Percy looked at the Minotaur's horn in my hand and sighed, "It really happened." 

Grover nodded, "Well, it's a big deal to kill a monster like that. The three of us know that Miley killed it, but she told everyone you collapsed in shock, but killed the monster yourself." Percy looked confused, "Why would you lie about that?" I smiled, "You had the guts to attempt to kill it to avenge your mother, it's brave. I didn't want you to get hurt seeing as you're a fresh demigod. It's not a big deal." 

Percy softly asked, "Did you see it? Did you see what happened to my mom?" Grover looked at the ground and sighed, "I did. I'm sorry....for everything. My job was to protect you, to get you here safely. Maybe if I'd told you the truth a little sooner, your mom would still be here." Percy interrupted him, "Please...stop." I frowned, "Wait, I didn't see a body." Percy didn't look at me, "She evaporated just like Mrs. Dodds." I light up in excitement, "I have to go ask Chiron something. Grover, stay here." I ran off to find Chiron, "Chiron!" 

Luke smiled at me as I ran past him, "My room at lunch, Princess?" I smiled at him, "I'll be there!" Everyone around started to tease me as I ran past and I just flipped them all off. I found Chiron and smiled, "Percy said that his mother evaporated. I didn't find a body. Mortals produce bodies and monsters evaporate." Chiron looked confused, "Are you saying that Sally Jackson is a monster?" 

I deadpanned, "Yep, that's exactly it. No! If Sally evaporated, then that means she was taken somewhere, not dead." Chiron nodded and rubbed his chin, "Very clever. Let's not tell Percy anything. If he's anything that I've seen, the boy will go through Heaven and Hell for his mother. Let's wait." I nodded and watched as Chiron went back to the Big House to greet Percy and I walked over to the Hermes Cabin.

I walked inside and greeted some of Luke's siblings and some unclaimed demigods. Luke smiled at him from his bunk, "Hey, sweetness. I thought I said lunch?" I smiled and sat beside him, "I wanted to see you before, but if you don't want me to. I can-" Before I could get up, Luke pulled me down to where I was cuddling him. 

"Everyone. Everyone," Chiron spoke at the doors as we looked over to see him and Percy. Everyone kept talking and Chiron started to clap to get attention and I snorted, "Chiron needs to find another way to get the attention. I say he needs to twerk that horse's ass he has." Luke barked out a laugh and sat up, "You're impossible." I got comfy in his bed, "You love me." I closed my eyes, missing that Luke pulled out a ring box and smiled softly at me, "You're right, I do love you." 

"You're attention, please." Chiron asked and everyone finally settled down, "This is Percy Jackson. I trust you will see to whatever he needs." No one said anything and they continued chatting. I scoffed, "How rude. Luke." Luke kissed my lips, "I was already on it before you said a word." Some of Luke's siblings walked over and started to whisper, "I think that's the kid. The one that killed the Minotaur." I raised an eyebrow, "Why don't you introduce yourself instead of whispering about him." No one answered me and Luke walked over with me following him and Percy stood up from the spot on the floor that was laid out for him, sighing, "Look, if you want to give me a hard time, just do it tomorrow. I can't do anymore today."

Luke looked sympathetic, "Heard what happened to you on the hill. And I just...wanted to say I'm really sorry. I know what you're going through. Believe me. Miley does too." Percy jerked his head up to look at me and gave a small smile as I waved. Luke stuck his hand out for a handshake, "I'm Luke. Miley's boyfriend." Percy shook his hand, "Percy."

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