🌈 Chapter 8 ~ Routine 🌈

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Now onto the story..

Y/N's Pov:

Ever since the Prism Crystal thing I haven't felt right, I mean, Having 2 weeks off is.. decently nice, But just not working feels weird, And the weirder thing is where the fuck did the crystal even go? It was in my hands then.. Poof! Gone. My train of thought is interrupted by a knock at the door, it's like 12 at night??, I groan as I sit up from my dormitory's bed and hobble over to the door and open it, not really caring that I was still in my (f/c) PJ's, Like I am still healing.

I open the door to see Wally, "Hello Y/N, Just came to check up on you" He walks inside, "Yeah at 12 at night.." I respond, "It's a bit late I know but it's after I have to work" He would shrug and sit on my couch in the little living room. "Yeah.. a bit.." "Oh don't emphasize it Y/N, Anyhow, To my main question how are you feeling? I've noticed something a little.. Off about you recently" "Off? What do you mean by that?" I ask, "You've been having random mood swings.. But it's probably just nothing" He responds.

"well while you're here want some coffee?" "sure why not", I walk over to my kitchen and make some coffee for me and Wally, I come back to see he's turned on the TV and is watching something, I walk over to the couch, Place the coffee on the coffee table Infront of the couch and sit next to him. "What you watching?" He turns his head to me then turns it back to the TV, "Just a horror movie, But your probably to scared to watch it" I dramatically gasp, "I'm no pussycat! What's the movie!" "I am a legend"


We get to the part when Robert strangles his dog Sam, It was an absolute tear jerker, But in me a wave of odd happiness hits me and I start giggling and snickering, which was honestly very unexpected from me.. Wally would stare at me, "Are you sure your alright?? You would usually cry at these scenes.." "Wait, how do you know that?.." "I have my ways"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Flash back)~~~~~~~~~~~~

Walden's Pov:

One night I would be doing some work on my computer then I would decide to go on the cameras, Out of boredom I switch to Y/N's living room (A/N: no he doesn't have a camera in their bedroom 🤨) To see Y/N balling her eyes out while watching something and start whaling "THE DOGGGG! WAHHHHH!-" I awkwardly switch cameras and turn off my computer.

~~~~~~~~~~~~(Present time)~~~~~~~~~~~~

Y/N's Pov:

"okay then.. Anyhow I'm going to go to sleep in a moment.." I say and stand up "aren't we going to finish the movie?" Walden would ask, I sigh "I guess" I mumble before sitting back down on the couch to finish the movie with Walden


Once the movie finished I go to stand but I realize Walden was asleep and his head was on my shoulder and his (Robotic) hand was on my thigh, I guess I was too caught up in the movie to notice him. I try and scoot to the side to the side to escape him but god damn he was pretty heavy even if he was just leaning on me.. I continue trying to move but I move enough for his body to fall onto my lap, Great now I was actually stuck.

I look down at Wally peacefully snoring, I decide to play with his hair, He would never let me and this was my only chance so might aswell take it. I undo his hair and wrap his messy blue hair around my right fingers, With my left hand I gently run my hand through his hair. He seems to like it and I could feel his head move closer to my hands, That's Abit odd but oh well, After around another ten minutes I fall asleep with my hands tangled in his hair.


I start dreaming, I'm in a black void, I run throughout it trying to find literally anything or anyone, Nothing, I eventually tire myself out and I sit down, Once I sit I see a big flash of light, I rub my eyes as see the crystal, Floating in the middle of the void, I stand up and grab it, It glowed yellow once I touched it, Suddenly I wake up to a loud yell "FUCK!"

I wake up to see Walden trying to sit up but my hands are tangled all throughout his hair, I giggle at the sight of that, I don't know why, But I just did. "Don't laugh at me! Get out hands out my hair Y/N!", I try and untangle my hands from his hair, It was hard since both of them were in there. "Boss your hair is like a maze it's really hard to navigate through this!" I mutter as i just give up and start tugging, "OW! DONT FUCKING TUG Y/N!" He would yell.

A few minutes later I eventually get both my hands out, My hands had strands of Walden's hair on them, "Ow.." Walden would mumble and get up from the couch. "Damn it I should of been in my office an hour ago.." He would begin to leave but stop at the door way, "Also Y/N you can just call me Wally in private" He says before leaving.

I would sit in my dorm for the next hour doing nothing, I groan and I get an idea, I'll sneak out my dorm and get to my office and do work since I had nothing better to do. I get dressed and leave my dorm and check if the coast was clear, I sneak down the corridor and into my office, I turn of my computer and begin to do my work, Suddenly Wally would enter my office, "I knew it! Get your ass back to your dorm!" He would slam his hands on the from of my desk.

"No! You'll have to drag me out of here!" I respond and cross my arms, He would go around my desk and lift me out my chair and throw me over his shoulder, "Gah! Boss put me down" I hit his back with my fists but nothing seemed to work. We would enter my dorm once again, opening the door and place me on the couch, "Don't. Leave." He would growl before he started to leave my dorm once again.

I sigh once again back in this boring old dorm with nothing to do but eat and watch TV, "Wait Boss!" I say before he would leave, He stops at the doorway, "Just call me Walden in private remember? And yes?" "Well bo- I mean Wally.. Can you visit me again after work hours because I have nothing else to do" he would think for a moment, "Fine.." he would mumble before leaving and closing the door behind him.

The next 2 weeks he would do the same routine, Come in, Ask if I was okay, Hang out then leave, finally I got my stiches removed and continue working.. but something was wrong with me..

(A/N: Haha cliffhanger :33
Words: 1248)

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