twenty || of kissing and panics

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Bryce and I seem to become addicted to each other after that moment.

Our hands link afterwards and refuse to let go. My mother obviously notices, raising an eyebrow at us but doesn't say anything. After the tour, my mother decides we have some time to go back to the hotel and rest before we go to Central Park. Besides, it's the best way to escape the heat of midday. My mother gives me the key and tells me she's going to grab us some lunch, so we can hang out in the hotel by ourselves.

We make our way to Bryce's room and just kiss. I've had my first kiss before Bryce, but it was with some guy that I went out with for like two weeks back in the eighth grade, and was barely a peck. All I remember was that it was weird, awkward and wet. Kissing Bryce is nothing like that; it's slow and gentle and innocent. I'm nervous and I have no idea what I'm doing. Surprisingly, Bryce seems the same way- which is weird, because with the girlfriend he had for a good couple of years, one would've thought he would know exactly what to do. But he's holding back just as much as me which I have to admit, is comforting.

Bryce and I end up just on the floor of his hotel room, lips attached and oblivious to everything else around us. Finally, I pull back, resting my forehead on his chest and wrapping my arms around his waist. Bryce lays his arm over my shoulder and the other wraps around my stomach as his lips rest on the top of my head. It's completely silent between us beside the sounds of our soft pants and Bryce planting small kisses wherever he can reach.

I look up again and the moment I meet his green eyes, I can't help it- I lean forward and kiss him again. Pulling away I laugh and quickly peck him on the lips again. Bryce laughs and soon enough our limbs are tangled once more and lips refusing to let go of each other.

And it's not awkward or weird at all- it's blissfully perfect.

Up until my phone beeps from a text message, Bryce and I don't stop kissing. It feels intoxicating in a sense- like I can't get enough of him. The feeling scares me, because I've never felt so much adoration for another person. But here's Bryce- selfless, caring, a little oblivious and a lot adorable. I pull away and grab my phone, still leaning against Bryce's chest as we both read the message from my mother- she's on her way back with lunch.

Bryce's head falls against my shoulder and his eyes close. My grip on him tightens as I mutter, "I think I'm going to call Ry."

Bryce nods. "You should do that. Hopefully he's feeling better."

I call, but no one picks up, not even Caiden. Bryce tells me they must both be sleeping. I shrug, brushing it off and just stay leaning against him until my mom knocks on the door. We both stand up quickly, smoothing out our clothes and hair before looking at each other and laughing. I practically fly over to him one more time and quickly kiss him, a blush appearing on both of our cheeks from it but he just takes my hand and we go to the door.

I stay in Bryce's room as we eat our sandwiches. As we do, I grab the speeches we had prepared for the seminars and edit them a bit. We go through the schedule and the information I was able to jot down about each event and how we can change the speeches to be more specific to an audience. Well, Bryce does that will I lie on my back and either agree or disagree with his ideas.

Once we finish, Bryce drops the books on my stomach. I make a surprised noise, causing for Bryce to smile, which makes me smile. Grabbing him by the sleeve, I mutter, "Idiot," before pulling him down and pressing my lips to his, both of us still smiling.


Monday comes way too quickly for my liking. The last days of touring had been almost surreal- I was able to see things I never thought I would and even if Bryce did claim I was 'such a tourist', I loved it.

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