twenty seven || of labels and humans

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"I'm literally shaking," I whisper under my breath, my hands literally shaking as I grip onto a nearby railing and try my best not to vomit. Bryce, of course, is laughing at me, one of his hands on my back as he steadies me.

"You're going to be fine," he rolls his eyes.

This time though he's not able to reassure me, though. Not when there's a giant roar coming from outside where thousands of people are, ready to hear me talk. I'm way back stage, since there are people speaking before me and I'm pretty much last on the program, but even still I can hear the talking and cheers coming from outside.

I hear people scurrying around stage, producers and stage crews yelling at people to get the lights ready and that they're going to be on in five. I swallow, latching onto Bryce's arm and muttering, "Oh my God."

"Ellie, chill out," Ryan rolls his eyes, appearing beside me. "You're going to do great. Besides, why are you freaking out? You're not on for another half hour or something."

Caiden, who's standing beside Ryan, slaps his arm. Ryan pouts. "She has every right to be nervous!" Caiden berates. He then turns to me, "My mom used to tell me all the time that nerves are good but fear isn't. Being nervous just means that you know what you're about to do is a big deal. Fear is what drives away your confidence."

"I'm not scared," I say firmly; a huge lie, but hopefully saying if aloud will make it true.

"Well there you go," Bryce says. "You'll be fine."

I take a deep breath. I'm happy to have them with me- my mother and father had taken too many days off already with this campaign and couldn't afford anymore time off at work. I don't mind too much, though- I know they'll be watching on TV. If anything, I'm pretty happy they stayed home. The more people I have around me will probably only work me up even more.

We wait silently as the host, the one to introduce the speakers, goes out to speak. I flinch at the sudden loud roar of the crowd. It's crazy how many people are out there. When I'm watching at home on the TV, I don't think I realize just how many people are watching those on stage. I can't be too surprised- after all, this is a national gathering, but it still amazes me.

The first speaker is announced and someone comes to get me. Caiden and Ryan decide to stay behind, giving me a quick hug and muttering encouraging words in my ear before Bryce and I move closer to the stage.

The first speaker is up. I don't know what they said, but it sparks a laugh throughout the audience. How can he look so relaxed up there? The guy looks no more than twenty, but he's up there like it's what he does for a living.

"Ellie," Bryce whispers beside me, his hand finding mine. "You're going to be fine."

I'm just about to open my mouth to say something when the man shouts something, raises a hand and begins to run off stage. The crowd cheers as he walks off. I bite my lip, surprised that the ten minutes he talked for went by so quickly. The young man comes out back stage, smiling at people who clap him on the back for a job well done. I smile at him as he walks by but instead of continuing forward, he stops.

"You're Ellie Reinhart, right?" he asks me.

My eyes widen, surprised that he recognizes me- or actually knows me in general. "Yeah! You did a great job out there," I say, even though I wasn't listening much. Although judging by the audience's reaction and how easy he made it seem, I'd say he did a good job.

He smiles, "Thanks! I heard you're up in five, so good luck! You'll do great."

He squeezes my shoulder and then continues walking. Some guy working backstage calls my name for me to go near the doors as the host talks again. From my position, I can see the dots of color coming from the crowd below. Holy crap, that's a lot of people.

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