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Episode 1

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Episode 1

Jeon Aera : i-i am s-sorry... I-i f-failed again ( she said and cry hard making the man heart break into pieces but he put on the smile)

Jeon hung : i-its ok love... ( he said and hug his wife who was breaking into tears)

Aera : i-i a-am not perfect.. I-i can't give you child... ( she cried more)

Hung : shhhh.. Don't say that you are not perfect.. You are the most perfect girl i ever seen... You can't give me child but you are enough for me hmmm. ( he said while trying to control his tears seeing his wife in this condition)

They both love each other more than anything but unfortunately fate didn't play good with them.. JEON AERA is infertile.. Hung always want to have son he dreamt to had beautiful small family with his love aera but this dream of him can't be happen.. They tried many times but she couldn't be pregnant..

Hung : love... ( aera look at him with tears in her eyes) c-can we a-adopt? ( he said with heavy heart making aera freeze on her spot) only if you are happy.. ( he said with hesitation)

Aera look at his eyes and saw hope.. She wipe her tears and smile as she always want to become mother and it is only way they can complete their dream

Aera : y-yes.. I also want to become mother and start new life with you ( she said and kiss his husband)


Black car stop infront of hostel which was quite big.. Guard open the door of car and couple came out while holding each other hands..

Mrs Smith : welcome mr and mrs jeon ( smile)

Hung : welcome ( he said with little smile)

Mrs simth : i heard everything about you and i feel very sorry.. ( aera look down while tear again form in her eyes hung look at her with sad eyes) but don't worry i have arrange all and i hope you will find perfect child for yourself.. ( smile as couple smile) please come inside

They all went inside.. The place was indeed very beautiful and decorated colourfully giving perfect children theme.. They look around and saw many rooms which they assume of children.. They saw many cute children playing..

Mrs Smith : please come here.. ( they went toward the cabin..)

Actually mrs smith is manager here and care taker of children.. They went inside the owner's cabin and knock on door which was close. Thry open door after they hear women voice from inside the cabin..

Mrs Smith : mrs lee.. They are here ( she said and mrs lee look at the couple.. She smile and stand up from her seat)

Mrs lee : welcome mr and mrs jeon.. ( they both bow lightly to age women standing infront of them)

Hung : welcome..

Mrs lee : so.. Want do you want? Boy or girl? ( she said after three of them sit on seats)

Hung look at his wife waiting for reply as he give his wife rights to decide

Aera : i-i also don't know... C-can we look around the hostel.. ( she said while nervous hung grab her hand slowly and look at mrs lee who smile sweetly)

Mrs lee : of course you can.. You can observe which one is perfect for you.. ( she said and signal mrs smith on which she nodd)

Mrs Smith : mr and mrs jeon please follow me.. ( she said as they both follow her) i will show you everyone here..

They pass from many rooms while observing children.. They all were very cute but no one catch their attention..

Mrs smith : he is ji-yeong ( she said and point at healthy children) he likes to eat alot ( chuckle)

Mr and mrs jeon look at him.. He was cute but by looking at his room they can say he was very messy and likes to eat alot.. Hung look at his wife and she shook her head as no.. Hung sigh as it was more than 30 time she reject children....they again start walking and they stop infront of another room..

Mrs Smith : she is hee-jin.. ( she said and point at cute girl.. She was wearing cute frock with high pony hung and aera look around room and saw her room is also very messy ) but she is also very naughty.. ( chuckle hung look at his wife and again sigh as she again shook her head as no)

They again walk toward room and stop infront of room..

Mrs smith : mr and mrs jeon.. He is jungkook ( she said and point at child who was back facing while painting something on canvas) jungkook please look here..

Jungkook look at her with straight face

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Jungkook look at her with straight face. Hung and aera smile in cuteness as they find him most cute child..

Mrs smith : i think he is the perfect for you..  ( aera and hung look around saw that his room is very neat and clean.. Everything is place on their places and even the bed was tucked up perfectly.. They smile)

Mrs smith, aera and hung went inside the room jungkook keep looking at them with straight face.. They all went toward him and saw he was painting something.. Aera gasp softly as she saw beautiful painting.. It was the painting of everything black and fire was also made giving it cool combination but she was confuse why he is drawing black and fire.. But she ignore

Aera : your painting skills are superb ( she said softly after bending to match jungkook's little height..)

Jungkook : thank you.. ( he said again with straight face.. He was not interested in them..)

Mrs Smith : he is little bit cold.. But he is good in everything.. He also clean his own room. ( she said with smile)

Aera look at hung and smile making him smile also as they finally found the perfect one for them.. Aera stand up

Mrs Smith : so are you ready? ( she said with smile making couple nodd) your choice is very amazing..

They all went again in mrs lee cabin

Mrs lee : you have really good choice.. Jungkook is good in everything and he always stand 1 in his studies.. He is very intelligent ( smile making couple smile)

After hung sign on the paper mrs smith bring jungkook who still have straight face..hung bend infront of him and smile

Hung : now you are Jeon jungkook

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