Day 1

350 15 6

              She choose me
     Did she?
                  I will make her choose me

Jungkook : don't you dare to interfere in my business.. ( he said as look at the man standing infront of him with hands in pocket)

Taehyung : stopping spoiled brat like you from bullying others is my business.. ( he said with lightly smirk)

Jungkook : don't you know my power?? I am the most powerful here.. JEON JUNGKOOK.. The most powerful business man son ( he said proudly) not like you orphan ( he laugh with his friends who were standing behind him)

Taehyung : hahaha.. Powerful?? Maybe you are powerful but you are nothing without your surname... If we remove JEON from your name then your powerful will vanish.. ( he laugh loudly in teasing way.. Jungkook angrily look at him and grab his collar harshly and jerk him )

Jungkook : YOU SHOULD ALSO DIED WITH YOUR PARENTS ( taehyung eyes darken)

Taehyung : HOW DARE YOU ( he punched him hardly making jungkook's lips bleed.. In response he did the same and soon the chao spread)

Both were beating each other like hungry animals.. Ready to drink each other blood

Y/n was shock as it was first time that she saw this type of fighting.. She is always sensitive about fighting and blood and try her best to stay away from fights but today looking at the sight of bloody fight. She is sure this is going to leave trauma for her.. She look around and saw no one is stopping them.. She was about to go toward them to stop but dora stop her while grabbing her wrist

Dora : don't you dare to go to them.. They are very dangerous ( she said in scared tone)

Y/n : why no one is stopping them?? ( she said making dora sigh in defeat)

Dora : they are the most powerful here.. Jungkook is the son of most powerful business man and no one ever tried to stop him and taehyung is himself 2 powerful business man he is orphan and he pay his fees own.. He join business after his parents death which happen when  he was only 10 years.. He used to live with his grandma and she also died whne he was 14 years and this make him independent beacuse there was no one for him to feed him.. ( y/n feel so bad for taehyung)

Y/n : h-how do you know so much about him??

Dora : actually thats the rumor that is spread all around.. I don't know its true or not..

Suddenly the principal came..

Principal : taehyung and jungkook stop fighting.. ( he shout and they both stop. Jungkook who was hovered above the taehyung came off and they both stand straight.. Faces filled with bad bruises.. Blood coming from knuckles.. Messy hairs and button of the shirts torn)

Principal look at them in disbelief as they both were looking like they both were just about to kill each other..

Principal : both of you go to my office right now.. ( he said affirmly jungkook rolled his eyes while taehyung just look at principal with annoyed face but they both left from there) All of you leave for class.. ( he said to the students present there and left from there )


Principal : mr jeon this is against the rules of university.. Violence is not allowed and i informed you so many times.. This is 10 times i called you in a month for his attitude.. If he fight for one more time then i am sorry.. I will suspend him or discharge him from this university..he have alot of anger issues.. I think you should hire therapist for him ( he said and look at jungkook who was glaring at him like he is older one here not principal)

Jungkook : do you think i am psycho? ( he said coldly and about to came forward but mr jeon stop him)

Principal : i am not saying you are psycho.. I am just saying you have alots of anger issue and you need to control this.. You are really going out of control ( mr jeon nodd as he also aware of this) you may both leave.. ( mr jeon bow in respect as principal is old them and leave from there)

Principal : ok only beacuse of you i am still keeping him here.. You may go.. ( they both go from there. Principal look at taehyung as he came forward)
Taehyung i know he was the first one to start fight but you also need to control your anger. ( taehyung nodd and bow in apologies)

Taehyung : i am sorry sir.. I will try my best to control my anger ( principal smile little at him)

Principal : you may also leave.. ( taehyung left from there)

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