Day 3

342 18 4

?? : Noona i really love you and you have to be mine.. ( in anger)

Y/n : don't be stupid.. I don't love you and also you are younger than me how can you expect that i will marry you...( annoyed)

?? : you have to.. You have no other choice.. ( anger and suddenly kiss y/n harshly)

Suddenly y/n eyes open after that disturbing dream in which blur face man was forcing her to love him..she pant heavily and turn on the lamp to drink water..she groan when saw empty bottle..

Y/n : now i have to go down to fill this bottle good.. ( she groan again and walk out from the room)

Everywhere was only darkness as it was midnight already. She slowly walked toward kitchen so that she didn't wake anyone due to her clumsy behaviour.. She on the lights and start filling bottle.. Suddenly she saw black shadow infront of her like someone is standing behind her.. Her eyes widen and she quickly look behind only to see no one..
She look around with fearful eyes but saw no one..

Y/n : i thought someone was there ( sigh in relief)

After filling the bottle she again went toward her room to sleep..


Y/n came to college still thinking about the late night event..

Y/n : was there really someone or just my overthinking?? ( she ask to herself but shrug her shoulder) how can someone come to my house and also nothing was stole so its my imagination.. ( she saw dora and nari near her locker probably waiting for her)

As soon as they saw her they wave as y/n did with smile and walked toward them..

Dora : hello ( she greet y/n with sweet smile which she also did)

Aera : today is our laboratory period... I hate it so muchhhhh ( she said and groan in annoyance y/n chuckle)

Dora : and it is my favourite period.. ( she said with excitement nari rolled eyes)

Y/n : i also like it and i am also excited because it is my first time here.. ( she said with smile)

After placing there books in locker and taking science books they all made their way toward laboratory lab they stand infront of their table with the chemicals infront of them placed on table.. Soon  female teacher arrived in class with usual smile and everyone greet her in respect..

Teacher :  good morning everyone .. ( she said with smile ) so as you know today is your laboratory period thats mean you have to do experiments with chemical and also make sure to be safe from acids as they can burn your skin.. You all start your experiment with the help of your book ( everyone said yes with nodd)

Y/n look around and saw taehyung is also sitting at the end beside the window. He also look at her she smile and wave her hand. He also smile

Y/n : why is taehyung here?? Isn't he older than us and also he is in T1-T5 class.. We are in T1-T4 ( she whispered to dora who was sitting beside her)

Dora : yeah.. They have the same laboratory period as our so that's why ( y/n nodd in understanding manner and start her experiment)

All were busy in doing their tast when the door open with thud all flinch but they already who it is.. Of course the spoiled brat jeon jungkook.. Teacher also said nothing as she know it will be totally useless..

Jungkook carelessly walk toward his place and stand in 2 row behind y/n.. his eyes met y/n's eyes.. And they both kept a small eye contact but she suddenly break feeling uncomfortable under his dark eyes which was glaring at her..

Y/n : why he is glaring at me?? ( she sigh and again start doing her tast.. She couldn't focus and she feel someone's burning stare at her and she already know it is jungkook) what is his problem?? He is not doing his work and also not letting me do.. ( she was about
to turn but suddenly the acid which was in her hand from which she was working fall down and some splash fall on her hand making her groan in pain to feel burning.)

Everyone look at her immediately. Taehyung was about to go toward her when jungkook immediately run toward her and grab her hand

Jungkook : are you ok?? Is it burning too much?? ( everyone freeze on their spot as y/n and taehyung looking at jungkook who was worried and continously asking questions to y/n)

Y/n : i-i am ok.. (s he said nervously but jungkook didn't listen to her and shout)

Jungkook : SOMEONE BRING COLD WATER WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?? ( he angerily shout and blow softly on her hand.. Some students immediately bring cold water in bowl and he softly place her hand in cold water making her hissed in pain and tear filled in her eyes) it will be ok soon hmm..

Taehyung was feeling hurt looking at them but he was also quite confused why jungkook is behaving like this and why he is feeling hurt..

After some time jungkook wipe her hand softly and cupped her face softly

Jungkook : are you still feeling burning?? Hmm tell me are you ok now?? ( he ask softly and y/n nodd nervously as he was standing so close and also cupping her face)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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