Day 2

309 14 5

Do you want to try french kiss
        Its old.. I want to try rainbow kiss


Mr jeon : jungkook i am not serious about studies but i am quite serious about your attitude.. If you don't want to stay always at home then fix your shitty behaviour.. ( jungkook keep looking at his phone. Totally ignoring the man standing infront him with glare) i am talking to you.

Mrs jeon : don't scold him. Its ok he is child and kids always fight over small things ( she said and sit beside him son with concern after noticing bruises) look how badly he beat my son.. You should complain against him

Mr jeon : principle told me that your son was the one who started first ( jungkook look at him with boring eyes)

Jungkook : that old bastard was lieing.. He was just protecting that orphan bitch that's why he lie ( rolled eye)

Mr jeon : jungkook show some respect he is older than you..

Jungkook : do i care?? ( he said and went from there to his room)

Mr jeon : did you see!? How he talk to me?? ( mrs jeon chuckle)

Mrs son : he is just tired leave him.. ( mr jeon scoff)


Taehyung sit under tree with struggling  to put ailments on fresh bruises . He hissed at the sudden pain after applying medicine on bruised cheeks.. Suddenly someone sit beside him as he look up he saw the same girl in the canteen.

Y/n : h-hi.. I am y/n ( she smile taehyung smile little bit as he found her quite cute with glasses) can i help you as i say you struggling?? ( he nodd slowly she took medicine from his hand and slowly take out some on her finger and look at him indecating him to raise head little bit)

He slowly look up and she put medicine on his corner of lips. He hissed making her flinch little bit

Y/n : i-i am sorry.. Wait ( she blow softly on the corner to erase the burning sensition taehyung freeze on his spot as it is first time he felt so cared in someone's eye for him and this bring tears in his eyes because he always feel alone)

Because of jungkook no one make him friend as jungkook warn everyone that if someone talk to him he will not leave them

After treatment she stand up as him

Taehyung : thank you so much.. ( smile.. Y/n look at his smile for a second as she felt like she have seen this same smile like before but she also know she never met someone like him)

Taehyung : btw i am taehyung ( he forward his hand for shake hand which she gladly accept with soft smile)

Suddenly they both feel current when their hands come in contact they both hissed and pulled back with shock..

Y/n : i feel current ( she look at him with shock)

Taehyung : i also ( suddenly she started laughing seeing her laugh he also start laughing)

Suddenly sudden voice make them look behind and they saw dora and nari calling y/n

Nari : y/n come on lets go home.. ( y/n nodd and again look at him)

Y/n : i am going bye.. Take careee ( she said and run from there taehyung smile and again look at his hand)

Taehyung : why she look so familiar like i have seen her many times.. ( he asked himself with confusion)

I know its too short but don't worry long chapter will also come..
Btw what do you think who will remember their past life first

   Maybe one of them already know it can be y/n, taehyung or

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