First sight

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When Street first walked in, his eyes fell on Hondo, the leader. And then they scanned all of the other people in the room until they finally landed on a gorgeous woman. She was a bit shorter than everyone else but shit she made up for it. She made up for it with the way that uniform clung to her curves, the way her eyes rolled. He knew she was gonna be trouble, and that just intrigued him more.
Even though Hondo was reprimanding him, he couldn't take his eyes away from the gorgeous woman standing behind his new boss. He had to find out her name.
As he walked next to her, his eyes trailed to the belt, he imagined taking it off, having Chris all to himself in bed.
"So. Where's that mutt of yours?"
"Champ? He's at home, resting. Got him at my house, getting ready to train a new pup."
"You know, maybe some day after a shift, you could teach me a few tricks?"
"I like dogs, not dawgs," Chris rolls her eyes.
Even though she was rude with that sentence, that was when Street knew that this was the woman he wanted.

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