The letter

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The importance of the letters didn't hit Street until he saw Deacon giving Annie his letter. It didn't hit until his teammates continued to pester him about the stupid letter.
Gunshots rang through the gun range. He looked up as the door opened.
"I think you forgot something in the kitchen," Chris said, with that same smirk she always had when she was teasing a team member.
"Not you too," Street rolled his eyes.
"Look, Tan and Luca are right. This letter isn't for you. It's for your loved one, your friends."
Street sighs and closes his eyes. "This is gonna sound so fucking pathetic, but I don't have anyone to write to. I don't have a dad, don't have any friends and well, I don't really know what to think about my dad right now."
"Write it to me."
"I don't know if you've noticed but after you stopped flirting with me, we've kinda become friends."
"Shut up, don't make me change my mind. Just, write the letter already, okay?" Chris hits Street's chest, smiling.
Writing the letter wasn't something Street had prepared for but hey, he wasn't regretting it.
After putting the letter in his locker, a warm feeling spread through his chest. Even if no one else got anything from him, he was just glad that Chris got something from him when he left.

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