VX poison gas

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It was chaos. Absolute chaos. He saw Chris turn down a guy who wanted to go and talk to Irena and fuck did it turn him on. But he couldn't focus on that, he had to focus on keeping the crowd under control. He watched as Tan and rocker walked into the kitchen.

The notice of pens carrying the poison through security scared him. And when he saw Irina pull away from Hondo to talk to a man, the feeling of dread deepened.
He watched Chris approach, ready to jump into action when she was needed.
She watched the man redirect the pen's direction to Irena's face and it all was a blur.
Watching Chris throw herself at Irina, pushing her away, taking the dose of poison for her, Street has never felt more scared.
Listening to Chris' coughs was hurting him.

He chased after the man who dosed her but all he could think about was Hondo shouting officer down through his earpiece.
"Make it eight or she's gone man."
That stopped Street in his tracks. No. No that wasn't gonna happen. He wasn't gonna let it. These men were gonna pay for what they did. Fuck, he'd make them pay with his bare hands if he had to.

It was a nightmare chasing the man. He ran into the kitchen, just as rocker and tan were handcuffing the other men. Street slammed the man into the fridge.
"Tan, take him before I lose it on him." He snarled.

He ran out of the food court with Tan, the only thing on his mind was Chris.
"Chris, hey, hey hey hey hey hey, keep fighting." Street pleaded, caressing her cheek.

It was all a blur, from the moment Chris closed her eyes to the moment Deacon pushed the shot into her heart.
"Come on Chris," he breathed. Finally, her eyes opened. Even when she was laying on the floor, nearly dead, he still thought she looked so incredibly majestic.
The single tear falling down her cheek made Street chuckle. This was the first time he's seen her cry.
"There she is," Hondo smiled.
"You scared us," Luca breathed.
"Don't do that again," Hondo reprimanded playfully.
Chris looked around at the men surrounding her. At her men. Her family. And her heart filled with love. She knew they'd always be there for her. She knew they wouldn't just let her die.

It only took that night to find out how strong Chris was.
Watching her walk down with Duke, looking perfectly fine was what made him so happy.
Her bright smile as she handed Duke to Luca made him so happy.
Not only that, but also knowing that she helped him find Luca a new home.
She'd always have his back.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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