"Chapter 9"

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Continue from last part...

Aditya had already dropped imlie to college and than he goes to the office...

As he entered he saw all employees were standing in a line while the new CEO is commanding them something...

As he turned and looks at Aditya ...

Aryan:ohh ...Mr tripathi finally you are here... *Taunting way*

Aditya:what's going on here?

Aryan: nothing I am just getting all the employees ready to train the students for internship here ...if u would like to help us than it will be nice of u

Aditya:what I had to do?

Aryan: just do one thing check the list of the students which is on table and select one of them whom u want to give training that's it

Aditya:ok but why were we have to give them training? They can come here for internship directly

Aryan:yes Mr tripathi they can ...but I want everything to be perfect ...I don't want any mistake to be done ...so pls select... And one more thing all have to give them training till one week after a week we will select who is capable to do work with us


Aditya started checking the file ...as he is going through each and every names his eyes caught Imlie's name ...and he remembers that she is also doing the course for journalist...

Aryan:so did u selected?


Aryan: who's the student?

Aditya:Imlie Kumari ...

As Aryan heared Imlie's name he looks at Aditya and spokes up ...

Aryan:no Mr tripathi select some other name


Aryan: because I myself going to give training to that girl

Aditya: and why so?

Aryan:I don't think it's important for u to know... So now select some other name

Aditya:fine than I'll choose Monika...

Aryan:ok ... everyone did u selected?

Everyone:yes sir

Aryan:ok then make a list of it and send it to my cabin in half an hour ...

He goes from their while others goes back to their respective benches to complete their task...

Aditya:(in mind)why Is he so interested to train imlie by himself?and where did he meet him? Well just leave it Aditya it's good if he will train her atleast I can get some piece for sure ...

Meanwhile on the other side imlie is zooned out Monika is trying to make her come back in her senses as the class Is going on and it's malini's class ...If she saw her not paying attention than it will be difficult for imlie ...

Monika:imlie ..*whispers*

Imlie didn't heared her again but Malini saw imlie ...and her anger raised up she throws the marker towards her direction and it hitted her head...imlie rubbed her head in pain and looks at Malini while Monika sighs as she knows that now Malini will not spare imlie...

Malini:Ms Imlie may I know the reason why aren't you paying attention to the class?


Malini:just get the hell out of my class right now... *She shouts*

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