"Chapter 10"

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Night time...

All had their dinner and right now resting on their respective rooms... But imlie is awake seems like sleep is far away from her ...she is staring at his number on her phone... She than googled his name and get all the information about him ...how he is polite towards work and hated if people lie to him ...he never show his emotions and always act cold ...it's getting tough for her to work with him but this is the only way left she could be with her husband ...

Imlie:calm down ... everything will be fine don't worry...

She relaxed herself than settled on bed to get a good sleep...

Time skips...

It's 4:30 in morning when her alarm ringed... getting irritated she turned it off and again slept ...but than opens her eyes shockingly ...and sits straight on bed...

She checks the time we'll it's 4:45 now ...

Imlie:come on imlie you don't have time to sleep...

She immediately gets up from her bed and make it ...after that heeded to take bath ...

After getting ready she goes to pray ..

Imlie:Sita Maiya Aaj humaara phela din hai ...pls sab kuchu Shambhal lena tum ...

Than she goes to kitchen to make something for her to eat ...as she done eating her breakfast ...she had made the breakfast for others too ...than she again checked the time ... it's 5:30 now ... only half an hour left for her to reach the place ...but he isn't message her yet... Did he forgot to send her the address? Just than her phone buzzed she checked it ...it's from him ...

Imlie immediately turned to leave but before going she thought to check on Aditya ...

Imlie sneeked inside his room and saw him sleeping peacefully ...so she quietly leaves from their ...

Exactly at 6 she reached the place where he asked her to come ...it's quite dense and typical place ...she saw him waiting for her already ...

Imlie: good morning sir ...

She greeted him politely but he didn't respond back which makes her think...

Imlie:(in mind)itna bhi kya ego hai is khadoos mein jo wish bhi nhi ho ra isse..

Aryan:done cursing me?so let's proceed...

Imlie is shocked how did he get to know that she is cursing him ...

He started leaving and imlie follow her ...but suddenly he stopped in his track and imlie bumped on his back ...

Her nose hurted she touch the area and started rubbing it he turned back ...

Imlie: ouch...why on the earth you stopped suddenly?*in pain*

Aryan glared at her ... imlie widened her eyes ....

Aryan:so you are seeing that room infront?

Imlie nodded...

Aryan: good then ...this is the place you have to work...

Imlie:what?but what should I do in that room?

Aryan:to make love with me *sarcastically*


Aryan: ofcourse I didn't brought you here to do that right? Now listen ...their Is hidden news in this room ...it would be anywhere so you have to find out about it ...that's your task for now ...you have only 1 hour for it ...go now ...

Imlie nodded than started taking steps towards the room ...

While on the other side Aditya just gets up ...he came near Imlie's room but didn't found her their ...where she goes this early?he thought to himself ...

Aprana:tu yahan kya kar Raha hai adi?

Aditya:woh bas aise hi ...ye kahan hai waise?

Aprana:Aaj uski Job ka phela din tha toh woh chali gyi

Aditya:itni jaldi?


Aditya:acha thik hai ...hum abhi aate hain

Aprana: hmm thik hai ...
1 hour later ...

Imlie finally succeeded in finding the news ...she excitedly came towards Aryan to tell him about this but in middle her foot slip but before she fall he catches her on time ...both of their eyes locked with each other ... Air is passing by softly making her hair to come on her face ...from another hand he removed those hair strands from her face and putted them back ...but than he makes her stand properly...

Imlie:sorry ..

He again didn't respond back...

Imlie:sir here is the news you asked me to find out ...

Aryan took the news from her ...

Aryan: impressive...you aren't that useless ...*mocks*

Imlie feel bad hearing his word but didn't bother much as she had the habit to listen those words so it doesn't matter her that much ...

Aryan: alright then ...so now you have to be my girlfriend...

Imlie's eyes widened...


Aryan:just pretend to be my fake girlfriend that's it ... nothing much than I'll make you work in the company ...

Imlie:sorry sir but I can't do that ...I am already ma-

She was about to complete but then stopped in her track as she remembers that Aditya asked her to not to tell anyone that he is her husband ...he can tell that to whom he wants that's it ..

Aryan:think wise ...it would be a good offer...

Imlie:but why I want me to pretend as your girlfriend you can get anyone right?

Aryan: yes I can but the charm you have they don't ...

Imlie:and why I have to pretend what's the reason behind it ..

Aryan:just to make my ex jealous and teach her a lesson that I can get what I want so that she can come back to me ...

Imlie:is it really works?

Aryan: ofcourse it is ...

Imlie become silent for a second and thought that if this would work then might Aditya would have also fall for her ...so why not try this for once...

Imlie:ok sir I am ready to be your fake girlfriend...

Aryan:good then ...I'll pay you for this...so now you can go back I'll tell you the things later on ...

Imlie nodded then leaves from their...

Aryan:it's time to play Aditi ...now no one can stop me to get you back ...

Precap:-he kissed me...

Author's note:-hello everyone so here it is the next chapter of my FF...if you all like this one than do vote also and don't forget to comment...

Kindly ignore the grammatical mistakes and inlined comments are much appreciated...


Take care and be safe...


Thank you ❤️...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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