Contraversially young gf

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reader is obvi 18+ 

i don't encourage pedofilia. 

you and julien met at a book store.

"shit, sorry!" you said worried you kicked her or something as you were walking by her. you dropped a book on the ground that she picked up.
"it's alright," she said nonchalantly as she stood up. Her eyes moved over you, she smirked a little. you started to walk away.
"wait a minute," she said still moving her eyes over you. "i'm julien." she held out her hand for a handshake.
"i'm y/n." you said apprehensively shaking her hand. you notice her little smirk and feel your self blush lightly. julien chuckled.
"i think this belongs to you." she said handing you a book that fell out of your hands when you bumped into her. "myth of sisyphus?"
"a friend suggested it to me, i've never heard of it before." you said as you took the book, "thank you."
"i don't think i've ever seen you around here before, are you from around here?" she said nonchalantly leaning on the bookshelf getting a good look at you.
"yeah, i'm in school here at the university of (INSERT ANY SCHOOL IDK USE YOUR IMAGINATION)" you say back noticing her tattoos all along her arms.
"you like it there?" she asked stepping a little closer to you, not close enough to touch but close enough.
"it's cool, lots of cool classes and people there." you say back noticing the deliberate closeness.
y'all talked for a while and eventually she asked to take you out. you obviously said yes.

She spoils you a little: nothing too crazy, but for instance for your first date she took you to a really expensive restaurant and didn't even ask to split the bill even after you offered.

"you look great." she said when she picked you up from your place for your date. you couldn't help but blush.
"you look really good too jb." you said to her trying to hide how flustered you were from a simple compliment. as you walked into the restuarant together she put her hand arouund your waist
"is this ok?" she whispered in your ear tracing shapes into your hip.
"this is great" you said back as you walked in together.

on the date you guys talked about everything and nothing feeling super connected by the end of it.

she took you back to your place, only dropping you off. she walked you to your door.
"this was a lot of fun," you said as you and julien reached your door.
"i had a great time with you." she said looking down on your lips. you blushed noticing her gaze on your lips.

she didn't kiss you, she wanted to but she also didn't want to make you uncomfortable after your next date she kissed youyou melted into her touch and she loved the way you leaned into her you thought about inviting her back to your place but you didn't want to seem too ~needy~ [stupid covid brain lacking words]you guys went on a couple more dates and the subject of high school came up

"so when did you graduate?" she asked you as you sat in a bar together. [i hope my math is right, dont @ me if its not.]
"well i'm still in college but i finished high school in 2020." you said casually to her as you sipped a mocktail. her eyes widdened.
"2018?" she asked back to you. [pls tell me this makes the gf 23]
"yeah, why?" you asked her, noticing how worried she looked.
"You're five years younger than me?" she asked suddenly super worried that she has been dating someone who is too young for her.
"i guess so... you're 28?" you asked her, not bothered by the age difference.
"yeah." she said quietly.
"does the age thing bother you?" you asked her noticing the sudden discomfort.
"well no, i just worry about power dynamics. i don't want to accidentally take advantage of you in some way." she said to you as she toyed with the watch on her wrist nervously. [i realized that jb is always wearing a watch n idk it's hot] you touched her hand.
"you won't. it's okay. i trust you." you said quietly to her. she closed her eyes like she was thinking about something.
"i wouldn't do it on purpose but i just... power dynamics come up all the time and it's almost never on purpose." she said looking at you.
"i know, we just need to be open to conversation." you said still holding her hand.

at the end of the date after you guys had a long talk about boundaries you both felt more comfortableshe drove you home and she kissed you outside your door againyou moaned softly into the kiss and she pulled away

"baby-" she started to say and you moved your hands to her hips, "we shouldn't. i want to but..." she said. you groaned softly.
"why the but?" you asked with a dramatic pout on your face.
"cuz baby, i don't wanna rush things with you." she said softly as she moved her hands to where yours were on her hips.
"can we just hang out?" you asked just wanting to spend more time with her. she only looked at you for a moment.
"just hanging out?" she questioned half serious the other playful.
"yeah." you said quietly. julien nodded and you happily searched for your keys in your bag and invited her in.
she looked around your small apartment and smiled. she noticed the smell of your perfume.
"wanna watch a movie?" you asked her motioning to a projector you have set up near your day bed.

she resisted the urge to make a joke about you inviting her to bed as you opened up the day bed she happily watched a couple of movies with you until you fell asleep leaning on her shouldershe reluctantly woke you up

"baby, wake up." she said softly as she stroked your head trying to wake you up gently.
"hmm? what?" you said sleepily as you wiped some drool off your cheek realizing you drooled on her shoulder. "sorry." you said softly as you attempted to wipe it off her shirt sleeve.
"it's ok, i'll let you sleep. i'm gonna head out." she said holding your hands gently.
"do you need to go?" you asked quietly.
"not nenecessarily." she said back, she pushed a piece of hair behind your ear.
"can yoy stay?" you asked her not wanting the night to end.
"do you have class tomorrow?" she asked you. she didn't want to mess with your school responsibilities.
"nope." you told the truth, you just wanted her to stay.
"i can stay." she said quietly.

she got comfortable in your bed as you quickly took a shower before getting in bed yourself. you offered her some clothes to change into and she said it was ok. you cuddled into her side as you fell asleep. she stroked your hair as you fell asleep after some time of going steady she does finally ~stay the night~

im gonna post that another time. be patient with me.

she eventually invites you to move in with her, she makes sure that you have a study room that you could use when you have exams coming up when you moved in all the members of muna and boygenius helped you move all your stuff cuz you couldn't do it alone and you didn't wanna hire moverspheobe and katie couldnt hold back from the jokes about the age gap eventually they all joined in a few weeks later julien was invited to a red carpet for an event the paparazzi on the carpet kept asking who you were lucy and pheobe said something more and more outrageous to everyone who asked

"eye candy"
"our body guard"
"the new 4th member of boygenius"
"our girlfriend"
"our psychiatrist"
"we're tutoring her"

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