you stood me up!

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julien was working on her next album, spending long hours at the studio and working. you were as supportive as you could've been. she was working a lot and getting a lot more pissy a lot more often. like, you guys had fought a lot in the last month after being together for a few years.


one night she came from home from the studio but you were still at work, she knew you were gonna be, she knew that you were gonna be later than usual. that morning you guys agreed that she was gonna cook dinner to make everyone's life a little easier. except when she got home that day, she got in bed, and just went to sleep.

you came in from work exceptionally tired from a long boring meeting with the board of directors of your company. when you came in and saw there was no sign of anything being done in the kitchen you started to worry.

"julien? are you home?" you called as you took off your shoes by the door. you didn't even see her usual converse by the door.

she said nothing. you huffed and walked to your bedroom where you saw julien laying on the bed asleep. you knew she was working hard and honestly felt bad for her. you gently woke her up.

"baby, are you alright?" you asked gently as your stroked her hair.

"fuck— i was supposed to cook. i'm sorry." she said as she started to get up. you didn't wanna stress her more than necessary so you offered to help her cook. she declined and ran to the kitchen. you shrugged it off before changing into some comfier clothes before joining her in the kitchen.

"it's not like you to get in bed so early, are you feeling ok?" you asked as you made yourself some tea to soothe your lingering headache from work.

"i'm fine." she said in a tone that made you do a double take. you could tell she wasn't in the best mood.

"well, if you had told me you were too tired i would've picked up takeout or something." you said gently, not wanting to stir the pot any further.

"fuck—" she said softly, "i can't keep you updated on my every fucking emotion yn." she snapped. you were taken aback by her words.

"woah, i didn't say—" you started.

"you were gonna." she cut you off. you eyed her as she cooked, she didn't face you.

"no i wasn't, julien." you said back, she turned off the burner and went back into your shared bedroom, slamming the door. what the fuck just happened? you stood there in shock for a moment. you looked at the half cooked food and you decide to let her think about whatever was causing her bad mood and finish cooking yourself.

[end of flashback]

lately, you guys had a lot of little petty arguments. about walking the dogs, what kind of food they were eating, your work schedule. you name it yall had a petty argument about it. lucy had told you guys you needed a date night after hearing yall fight one too many times. you guys liked the idea and settled for a night the two of you weren't working.

it was a monday night, you both knew it was a weird night to go out but you figured any restaurants would be less crowded.

you got home early, around 4:30 and you got ready for your date that was supposed to be at 6. she still hadn't got home at 5 and you sent her a text.

yn: hey baby, you leaving work soon?

she didn't respond till 5:45.

jb: yeah, something is running later than expected, take an uber there. i'll be there soon.

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