Fluff after work

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first of all i feel like julien totally understands having a job in an office. she does think that working 9-5 is such a bad way to go about it cuz it's draining and hates when you come home all tired not because she feels like you shouldn't work, she actually admires a hard worker who loves their job, she hates when you get over worked but she has food made for you when you get home, ur favorite snack waiting if dinner needs more time.

you tiredly stomped up the stairs to your apartment as you smelled the scent of something delicious. you turned your key in the door and juliens head perked up when she heard you.
"hey baby, i'm in here." she said from the kitchen still standing at the stove. you walked over rubbing your temples, nursing a slight headache.
"hey j." you said quietly as you sat down at the kitchen island. you closed your eyes, the light was not helping this headache.
"you ok, sugar?" she said as she turned down the heat on the food and walked over to you holding her arms open for a hug.
"i'm ok, just really tired. my boss is the worst." you mumbled softly still keeping your head down. julien turned the light off, she knew you probably had a migraine. she gently hugged you.
"you wanna talk about it, baby?" she asked gently while tenderly stroking your hair. you turned to face her and hugged her back.
"no it's fine. i don't wanna think about it anymore." you said softly, laying your head on her shoulder. she gently kissed you.
"why don't you get out of these work clothes, we can cuddle up and watch a movie." she said softly before adding, "dinners almost done, baby"
you tiredly walked into your shared room and came back out in one of her hoodies and pair of sweats you both share at this point. you put on some blue light glasses from amazon hoping they might do something for your headache. julien had a plate waiting for you when you came out, she put some tylenol on the table next to your plate.
"thank you baby." you said softly as you sat down across from her. you gently held her hand before adding "how was your day?" you asked her softly.

julien bakerWhere stories live. Discover now