Chapter 10: A Unique Connection

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POV: Felix

The next morning, as I walked to school, I spotted Taylor in the distance. I called out her name, and she turned to wave at me. I quickened my pace, eager to catch up with her. There was something on my mind that I wanted to ask her about.

When I reached Taylor, I paused, looking at her with a curious expression. Sensing my hesitation, she met my gaze and waited for me to speak. I took a deep breath before voicing my question.

"Taylor, I couldn't help but notice that Ruby seemed really excited when we asked about the outfits yesterday. Is there something more to it?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

Taylor's eyes flickered with a mix of emotions as she looked down for a moment before meeting my gaze again. "Ruby actually made and customized those outfits. She put a lot of effort into them. The thing is, a lot of people make fun of her and dislike how they look because they're different from what everyone else wears," she explained.

I felt a pang of sympathy as Taylor shared this information. The thought of Ruby being ridiculed for expressing herself made me uncomfortable. I nodded, understanding the significance of their outfits now.

Taylor continued, "At first, Lee and I decided to wear them to show support, so Ruby wouldn't feel so alone. But after we put them on, we realized how comfortable and well-made they were. They were customized to match our favorite colors and shades. They were designed to keep us warm and flexible during practice."

A sense of admiration washed over me as I listened to Taylor's words. It was clear that Ruby had poured her creativity and passion into those outfits. I couldn't help but appreciate the uniqueness they brought to their skating journey.

"I understand now. Wearing something unique helps you get into the right mindset for training," I said, a newfound respect for their choice of attire growing within me.

Taylor smiled, acknowledging my understanding. "Exactly. Ruby has her reasons for wearing red, even though her favorite color is purple. It's a part of her story, and I believe she'll share it when she's ready. It's not my place to say."

I respected Taylor's decision and realized that if I wanted to know more, I would have to approach Ruby or Lee directly. Our conversation came to an end as we arrived at the front of the school, parting ways with a friendly goodbye.

As I walked into the school, my thoughts were filled with a newfound appreciation for Ruby's unique style and the strength she possessed within. I couldn't wait for our next skating session, ready to embrace the individuality that made our team so special.

To be continued...

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