Ch : Two

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In the dim glow of his room, Ram paced restlessly, haunted by his father's unexpected revelation about marrying him off to Priya. As he circled his thoughts, his phone pierced the stillness, displaying Aliya's name. Caught in a dilemma, he hesitated before answering, unsure whether to confide in her.

Suppressing his inner turmoil, Ram chose to engage in a mundane conversation with Aliya, masking the storm within. With practiced ease, he discussed trivial matters, carefully avoiding the weighty secret that clung to him like a shadow. Each exchanged word felt like a delicate dance, concealing the turmoil beneath the surface.

As the night unfolded, Ram's internal conflict persisted, concealed behind a façade of normalcy. The unspoken truth lingered in the air, creating a poignant contrast between the composed dialogue and the tumultuous emotions echoing within him.

The weight of his father's fragile health clung to Ram like a heavy cloak, casting shadows over his decision to confide in Priya. The night hung in suspense as he deliberated, torn between the urgency of honesty and the pressing concern for his ailing father.

With a heavy sigh, Ram resolved to postpone the conversation to the next day, a choice dictated by filial duty. The moonlight spilled through his window, casting a contemplative glow on the room as he composed a message to Priya, arranging a meeting for the coming day. The words, carefully chosen, reflected both the turmoil within and the genuine desire to address the unfolding situation.

As morning approached, Ram found himself on the way to meet Priya, the early morning air carrying a sense of anticipation. The city stirred awake around him, yet his thoughts remained tethered to the delicate balance between personal truths and familial responsibilities.

Their meeting unfolded against the backdrop of a quiet cafe, the aroma of fresh coffee blending with the unspoken tension. Ram, wearing the weight of his choices, embarked on a conversation with Priya

Amidst the subtle hum of the cafe, Ram's tension eased as Priya entered, her presence offering a momentary reprieve from the weight on his shoulders. He called out her name, and she gracefully made her way to his table, exchanging a warm smile.

Seated across from each other, Ram and Priya acknowledged the passage of time, reminiscing about a meeting that spanned nearly half a decade. Ram chuckled, acknowledging the temporal distance with a shared understanding.

The conversation pivoted effortlessly to familial matters, and Priya, with genuine concern, mentioned her awareness of Ram's father's health. Expressing gratitude for her presence during his absence, Ram found solace in her words. Priya, in turn, dismissed his thanks, citing the reciprocal support she had received from Ram's family during her own challenging times.

As the minutes ticked away, the atmosphere between them lightened. Their dialogue meandered through shared memories, laughter punctuating the air. The cafe became a sanctuary for unburdened conversation, where the weight of impending discussions about his own life momentarily lifted.

In the ebb and flow of their interaction, Ram and Priya discovered comfort in the familiarity of each other's company. The cafe, once a backdrop to a potentially daunting conversation, transformed into a haven for the exchange of stories, creating a bridge between past and present, and momentarily eclipsing the uncertainties that lay ahead.

Just then ram revealed his words and said that his father wants them to marry

The cafe's ambient buzz fell to a hushed murmur as Ram's revelation hung in the air. Priya, a mixture of shock and understanding in her eyes, broke the silence, acknowledging the promise extracted at the hospital.

Priya: Ram, I knew about your father's wish, and I couldn't refuse at the hospital. I wanted to talk to you about this, but I had to rush to Delhi.

Ram, leaning back in his chair, looked at Priya with a mixture of frustration and confusion.

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