Ch : Eleven

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As Priya stepped out of the restaurant, the chill of the evening air did little to soothe the turmoil in her mind. Her heart weighed heavy with regret, replaying the scene inside the restaurant over and over again. She had acted impulsively, letting her emotions take control, and now she was left grappling with the consequences of her actions.

Frantically, Priya scanned the street, searching for any sign of Ram. Panic surged through her as she realized he was nowhere to be seen. In a desperate attempt to make amends, she hurriedly made her way towards where he parked his car, her steps quickening with each passing second.

But fate seemed to have other plans, as Priya watched helplessly from the sidewalk as Ram's car pulled away, disappearing into the night. "Ram!" she cried out, her voice filled with desperation, but it was too late. The distance between them grew with every passing moment, leaving Priya feeling more alone than ever.

With a heavy heart and trembling hands, Priya reached for her phone, her fingers fumbling as she dialed for a cab. She needed to get away, to escape the suffocating weight of her own mistakes. And so, with tears threatening to spill from her eyes, she climbed into the waiting cab and directed the driver towards the secluded cottage where she hoped to find solace amidst the chaos of her thoughts.

As the cab pulled away from the curb, Priya couldn't shake the feeling of regret that clung to her like a shadow. But deep down, she knew that this was just the beginning of her journey towards forgiveness, both from others and from herself. And as the city lights faded into the distance, she found a glimmer of hope in the darkness, knowing that perhaps, in time, she would find the peace she so desperately sought.

As the clock struck midnight, the cottage seemed to echo with the hollow emptiness of Priya's restless pacing. With every passing minute, her anxiety grew, gnawing at her insides like a relentless beast. She couldn't shake the worry that clung to her like a suffocating shroud, her thoughts consumed by the absence of Ram.

Her fingers trembled as she dialed Ram's number once again, the phone feeling heavy in her hand as she awaited any sign of his return. Each unanswered ring felt like a dagger to her heart, amplifying the silence that enveloped her.

Two agonizing hours crawled by before the night air was pierced by the familiar sound of an approaching car. Priya's heart leaped in her chest as she rushed to the door, her pulse quickening with anticipation. With trembling hands, she flung open the door, her eyes scanning the darkness for any sign of Ram's familiar figure.

And then, there he was, ascending the stairs with unsteady steps, a ghostly silhouette against the moonlit night. Priya's relief was palpable as she moved towards him,

Priya: Ram, where have you been? I've been calling you non-stop for hours. I was so worried.

'Ram staggers slightly as he climbs the stairs, his expression distant.'

Priya: Wait, are you okay? You look like you can barely stand. How did you even drive here alone in this state?

'Ram meets Priya's gaze with a solemn silence, his eyes betraying the turmoil within.'

Priya: Ram, please, talk to me. Why did you do this? You got drunk, didn't you?

'Ram's silence speaks volumes as he pushes Priya away, his actions a sharp rejection of her concern.'

Priya: Ram, don't shut me out like this. We need to talk about what happened. You can't keep pushing me away.

Ram's expression remains unreadable as he retreats further into himself, leaving Priya standing alone in the hallway, her heart heavy with unanswered questions.

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