Ch : Fifteen

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As the morning sun cast its gentle glow through the parted curtains, Ram stirred from his slumber, careful not to disturb Aliya, who peacefully slept beside him. With a tender touch, he gently released his hand from hers, tiptoeing silently across the room, not wanting to disrupt the tranquility of the moment.

Leaving the room, Ram embarked on his day's journey, the faint scent of morning lingering in the air. Hours passed, and the day waned into dusk. Returning home, anticipation danced in his heart as he ascended the familiar staircase, eager to reunite with his beloved Priya.

But as he reached the sanctuary of his room, a wave of disappointment washed over him. The room lay silent and empty, devoid of Priya's warmth and presence. His heart sank, the emptiness echoing in the quiet space, leaving him yearning for her comforting embrace.

Ram's fingers trembled with anticipation as he reached for his phone, a flicker of hope igniting within him as he dialed Priya's number. Across town, Priya's heart skipped a beat at the sight of his name on her screen, a rush of excitement flooding her senses. But in an instant, reality crashed down upon her, a pang of guilt tugging at her conscience as she remembered Aliya.

With a heavy sigh, Priya silenced the call, her resolve faltering under the weight of conflicting emotions. Yet, despite her efforts to resist, Ram's persistent attempts to reach her persisted, each ring a reminder of the turmoil within her. Frustration mounting, Priya finally succumbed, switching off her phone in a desperate bid to escape the relentless barrage of calls.

In the stillness of the moment, silence enveloped them both, the distance between them widening with each unanswered call, leaving them adrift in a sea of unresolved longing and unspoken words.

Trisha's unexpected interruption pulled Priya back to reality, her thoughts momentarily scattered as she registered the news of a call waiting for her at the office landline. With a sense of apprehension, she made her way to the reception, her steps heavy with uncertainty.

Answering the call, Priya's breath caught in her throat as she heard Ram's voice on the other end, his tone laden with concern and pleading. "Why aren't you answering my calls?" he questioned, his words echoing with the weight of their unresolved tension.

Fighting to steady her voice, Priya replied, her words tinged with resignation, "I guess that's not needed anymore." Ram's response was swift, a plea laced with urgency, "Please don't be like this. I'm coming to pick you up after work. We need to talk."

Silence hung in the air for a moment as Priya grappled with her emotions, torn between the pull of her heart and the logic of her mind. Finally, she spoke, her voice soft but resolute, "Ram, I need to go." With that, she ended the call, leaving the weight of their unresolved conversation lingering in the air like an unspoken promise.

As Priya descended the stairs, her heart heavy with uncertainty, she was met with an unexpected sight: Ram, standing at the foot of the staircase, his eyes searching hers with an intensity that made her breath catch in her throat. Before she could react, he was by her side, his presence commanding and determined.

"Let's go," he urged, his voice a mixture of urgency and determination. Priya's defenses rose instinctively, her gaze wary as she countered, "What do you want, Ram?"

But Ram's response was simple yet firm, his hand reaching out to grasp hers as he declared, "I'll tell you. Just come with me." With a gentle yet firm tug, he guided her towards the waiting car, his touch igniting a flurry of emotions within her.

Caught off guard by his insistence, Priya yielded to his lead, her footsteps faltering slightly as she followed him towards an uncertain destination. With each step, the distance between them seemed to shrink.

Amidst the bustling atmosphere of the restaurant, a heavy silence enveloped Ram and Priya, each lost in their own thoughts. Ram's gaze lingered on Priya, his eyes pleading for understanding, while she averted her gaze, a mask of indifference concealing the turmoil within her.

Finally breaking the silence, Ram's voice cut through the tension, his words laced with a mixture of desperation and resolve. "Priya, I know you have so many things to ask me. Just ask them now."

Priya's eyes met his, a flicker of defiance sparking within her as she replied, "Why do I need to ask you anything? I knew about your commitments from the very first day. It doesn't bother me. Maybe we tried to cross the limit, but it was God's will that Aliya came here just before that. So don't need to worry at all. I'm just fine."

Ram's expression softened, his hand reaching out to grasp hers as he insisted, "You've got to trust me. I'll make Aliya understand everything."

But Priya's resolve remained steadfast as she countered, "What about her? She didn't commit any mistake. Why are you trying to punish her? She trusted you."

Frustration bubbled within Ram as he struggled to convey his emotions. "Then what? What am I supposed to do?" he implored. "Yes, I admit I loved her, but I never thought I would get married to you. But now, I can only feel for you. I can't go back to Aliya anymore. That would be injustice."

Priya closed her eyes, the weight of Ram's words heavy upon her. "Ram, I'm not getting your point. I need to think about it. I'm going to my mom's place. Just leave me for some days. Don't contact me," she declared, rising from her seat.

Ram's hand reached out, a futile attempt to stop her, but she slipped away, leaving behind a trail of unresolved emotions and unspoken truths in her wake.

As the night wore on, Ram returned home with a heavy heart and the weight of unspoken words pressing down upon him. His steps faltered as he entered the familiar surroundings of his home, the silence echoing the turmoil within him.

Ignoring his mother's attempts to reach out, Ram retreated to the solitude of his room, seeking solace in the numbness of intoxication. Collapsing onto his large couch, he allowed himself to drown in the haze of alcohol, his thoughts swirling in a chaotic whirlwind of emotions.

But amidst the haze of his intoxication, a sudden intrusion shattered the stillness of the night: his phone, its screen illuminating with an unknown number. A jolt of apprehension shot through him as he hesitated, his mind racing with countless possibilities.

With trembling hands, Ram answered the call, his voice strained with anticipation as he awaited the voice on the other end. In that moment, thoughts clouded his mind, a torrent of fears and hopes colliding within him as he braced himself for the unknown.

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