Oh No He's Hot

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You watched as the guy's hood revealed more of his face. "You humans are so curious. It's been your downfall many times and yet you continue to ask questions." He glared, his tone laced with venom towards you.

Approaching you slowly he looked over you, taking notice of the blood staining your clothes and the bruise on your cheek. "So fragile, so weak..and yet you continue to survive like ants."

He spoke to no one in particular, meanwhile you felt self conscious, can he stop staring? You felt like he was two seconds away from actually dissecting you. While he circled you and watched your movements, you cleared your throat and then spoke up. "Maybe that can mean something different then.." You eyed him.

His expression remained the same. "Maybe as humans that's what makes us strong...the fact that even though we are weak and fragile, we have survived for centuries."

He paused and looked at you. "That makes you a pest. You survive for centuries but don't do anything good with that ability." Well...he got you there.

It went silent once again and after a while he returned back to the computer. "What's your name?" you asked.

He didn't respond. "Hey, I'm talking, the least you can do is answer me, since I am a victim?"

"An experiment." Another voice called out and an older man walked in, "Hello there (Y/n) glad to have you back." He smiled and walked over to her, taking off her restraints and helping her up. "It's been quite a while since you have been with us. Forgive Knives over there, he has a bad habit of ... .Well I'm not sure but let's get you out of here."

You looked at the man confused out of your mind. Regardless he was willing to get you out of this room so that was enough to convince you. Letting him help you up, your feet touched the cold ground making you shiver. "You guys need a heater in here or something..." You complained.

The older man laughed and shook his head guiding you to the door. "Keep her on surveillance.." was all that Knives said before the door slide closed and blocked your view. You looked over at the man and shrugged. "What's your name?" You asked hoping he would be nicer.

"I'm Conrad, pleasure to see you again Ms." He said, smiling softly and walking down the hallway. "What do you mean again..?" following after him, you walked beside him looking at him curiously. "Who even are you?"

No response.

You were really getting sick of not being responded to...It was silent for a while longer before you both arrived at a giant pair of doors, they slid open and inside was a massive containment center of ... .plants.

"Where are we..?" you asked once more. Conrad just chuckled and continued on. "We are in a SEED facility, a ship that over a hundred years ago carried the plants that now are the key to human survival on this planet." He said taking a closer look at one of the plants.
You stepped closer and almost as if in command the plant revealed herself and watched you.

"I've never seen them do that with a human though..." An annoying voice spoke, making you grow tense. You recognize that voice, it was none other than the bastard that had pulled your hair before. What was his name..?



Legato! That's right, you had heard a voice call to him earlier when he was attempting to bash your head into the floor. You irked at his voice and turned around. "Maybe they just don't like you." You said, grinning while staring at him.

He scoffed and turned to Conrad. "Why do I have to watch her? I'd rather strangle myself than to deal with this..." He motioned at you and then rolled his eyes.

"My master has more worthy things for me to deal with than this."

You flipped him off and turned back to the plant as they talked. She looked at you curiously, her eyes looking into yours. "Hello.." You spoke softly. She blinked and turned her head to the side.

Doing the same you smiled softly and placed your hand on the container. She did the same, closing your eyes you placed your forehead against the glass and she did the same. Her body glowed a sage green while you stayed the same. "How curious.." A voice spoke from behind. Conrad standing behind you stared in awe at the plant.

"How are you doing that...?" He asked, staring down at you. Shrugging you turned back and the plant did the same, wrapping herself up again. "She looked like she needed it." You sighed and yawned.

"Hey I'm hungry...do you think we could eat something soon?"


It had been a couple days by then, you still annoyed Legato to the point where he had managed to do the most unexplainable things to you. While none consisted of doing anything psychologically, physically he had managed to get you out a window, down a flight of stairs, and even hung by your legs from a tree in a nature room.

Even then it wasn't enough to bother you, you had been through worse...you just couldn't remember when..

Today you were in the kitchen tapped on the ceiling. The doors opened and Knives stepped in just looking around before looking up and just staring.

"What the hell are you doing..?" He asked, irritated. "Legato didn't like that I told him he looks emo as fuck with the haircut he has. My nest question is how he got all the tape he got.."

You rambled off before a tear was heard, then another. "Oh no–"

One second you were flying the next on the floor, groaning out in pain. "Ow.."

Knives watched, looking down at you and judging, Very Much.

"It's incredible with the amount of things that have happened to you in the past 24 hours that you aren't dead yet." He said, going over and sitting down. He watched as you sat up and tore off the tape screaming silently as you did.

In the last 24 hours Knives had found you laying in a room face down with a knife way to close for comfort by your head, you had been poisoned but an unlucky a rat had gotten to it before you, and the flight of stairs was only halfway, a couple bruises and curse words later you were okay.  (r.i.p remy)

Now this, he was really going to have Legato to leave you alone. Then again you had called the man, a depressed barbie, emo, twitter on crack, and a goofy ahh looking toothpick.

A couple of those insults made no sense, nor did he really care. You're voice broke his train of thought,
"So like...why is your name Knives..? Like, is it just because of your ability or because you think it's cool?" You watched as he thought about his answer.

"That doesn't concern you." He said, simple and quick. This annoyed you obviously, so you got up, went over and sat down next to him. "Well, I like to think it does. Dude isn't weird your name is literally a kitchen utensil?"

He groaned and rolled his eyes. "You never shut up do you. Maybe I should tell Legato to sew your mouth shut. I guarantee he'd enjoy that." You zipped up pretty quickly looking away and staring at the wall in front of you.

You tapped your feet on the ground, unable to sit still and then began humming. Which was cut pretty short when a blade was pressed against your neck.


"No you're not."

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