Crosshair: Tasteful evening surprise

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Summary: Established relationship.
Your a Senator. After a stressful day you go back to your apartment to find Crosshair waiting for you.

You were more then ready to rip this dress off your body. Toss it across the room and slip into something more comfortable, less form fitting. Getting dressed up was not the issue. It was the long draining hours you had to spend tied up in it that was the problem. Unfortunately that came with the territory of being a Senator for the Republic.

         Most days were fine. Taken up with several meetings and involved delegations, but it was your job and you didn't mind. In fact this is what propelled you forward. Being able to do good for the millions of citizens scattered across the galaxy filled you with pride.

      And you were not just one of those talk the talk ones. No. You fought and fought with your voice for the people. Especially for the ones so many in the senate tended to overlook. Every voiced mattered. Exhausted was how you found yourself at the end of the day. On more then one occasion.

      Today, however you were nearly spent. Dragging yourself in the direction of your apartment. A rather heated negotiation had ended in shambles and you were just ready to concede.

      Before you had even reached the door your heels were pried from your feet, resting at the side of the dress. Exhaustion rolling over you as the code was entered in. The very second the door slid open, heels were thrown aside and you nearly collapsed against the wall from how much your head was throbbing.

     How the hell had one meager negotiation turn into such a disaster? Never had you experienced such a tense situation before. Raised voices was one thing, however such aggressive threatening language was not. At least not to you. Different ideologies were as common as a rainstorm, that was a given. But the way these individuals handled discussions...maker.

No. You shook your head. Now was not the time to give them another thought. Unfortunately though another round would be happening tomorrow. Tonight was about you and the cozy couch that was calling your name.

Responsibilities of the day, done. Matters taken care of. All that's left to do was settle in for the evening and relax.

     "Long day, doll?" You quickly jumped back, almost stumbling and falling over the train of your dress.

That voice.

Sharp brown eyes stared directly at you, taking in your formal appearance. And he liked what he saw. Always did. Especially all those Senator gowns. They only heightened how beautiful you were to the sharpshooter. After all he had a keen eye for true beauty.

    "Crosshair.." you were stunned to see him here. "What are you doing here?". Sure you were that he was supposed to still be on a mission.

The corner of his lip lifted. "Not happy to see me?"

You were quick to shake your head. The opposite actually.

    "That's utterly ridiculous". You scoffed. "I'm always thrilled to see you. I-I'm just surprised to see you here. I thought you were still on Raxus for several more rotations".

He merely shrugged. Not phased at all by your question. "We finished the mission early". You couldn't help the excitement that twisted in your stomach. It had been so long since you had last seen him.

      His lengthy arms draped over the back of the couch, left leg crossed over his right knee. He didn't even have to try to be handsome. He just was. And bless the stars that you were able to call him yours.

     Roaming his face, like your always did your eyes focused on the new scar under his eye. It was deeper then you would have liked. But there was nothing you could do about it. He was a solider after all. Bruises, cuts and gashes came with his line of work.

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