Hunter: To new beginnings (1/3)

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This is the beginning of a three part oneshot. I just started the idea and it sorta snowballed😅 With that enjoy part one of three.

Summary: Your a senator. You and Hunter are curled up, lounging together in your apartment in bed...after you know..and he randomly ask would you marry him if he'd asked you.

Days like this were your favorite. Smooth silk sheets awaiting you, the steady breathing of your partner, his arm draped across you. The distance sounds of Coruscant fading into the background. All of it made the grueling hours in spent senate hall worth every second.

Coming back after a hectic, emotionally draining day to be greeted by those loving brown eyes. That irresistible smile. The half skull tattoo that you were way too attracted to. All of it was worth the strain being a senator—soon to be queen, had. It was a package deal unfortunately. One you were fully aware of when you took up the position of your late brother.

The scarred muscular arm draped across your blanket covered body pulled you closer into his warmth. You had no choice but to oblige him. Not that you wouldn't have anyway. If there was one thing you loved about the Sergeant of clone force 99, it was his need for physical touch. Especially if it was from you.

Some would have argued that it was him being too clingy. To you however, it was his love language. The protectiveness he felt over you.

You grounded him. When everything became too overwhelming and the noises were unbearable, your mere touch was his savor.

You were his savor.

When everything around him was too loud, there you were. Standing there beckoning him towards you. A quite, calming voice amongst the chaos. His anchor. His everything.

All that was left to do was make it official.

"Would you marry me if I asked you?"

Your initial reaction was to sit up, rather abruptly, lining up your orbs with his. Eyes doubled in size while you took in his body language. He had been relaxed the very second his eyes landed on you after another successful mission. Nothing in the time since he had arrived and you two had indulged in an rather intimate spectacle, had changed. His muscles were not tightened, his body was not on high alert.

He was being completely serious with his question.

And that made it all the more real.

And terrifying.

No, you were not afraid of it. Per say. Nor of what your supposed answer would be. Yes was of course the obvious—and only answer for you.

However, the message it held....the importance of it all. If you were being honest with yourself, you were freighted for what could happen. Being left alone. You loved Hunter so much. There was never a doubt in your mind that you wanted forever with him, but being married to him...made that fear of losing him all the more real.


That look in your eyes. The way your voice was barely a shaky whisper. You were not saying no nor rejecting him. He knew that much. Could read it on your features and in which the way your heart beat unevenly.

It was just the uncertainty of it all. Of what being even closer to each other would mean. Not just for you. But for him as well. Not to mention your status as a senator—soon to be queen. And his...title. Later down that road. If he was even allowed to have one. Given who—what he was.

Being away for long periods of time was something neither of you could change. You both had duties and responsibilities to the Republic. It was inevitable that there would be stretch's of time where you didn't see one another. Knowing this, you two still entered into a relationship.

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