Let's Go to the Carnival

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"Let me put this in a way you'll understand; I'd rather take a dump and step on it."

Pharynx was so done with today that it hurt. Thorax brought him and a young changeling called Ocellus to the Crystal Empire. They found out that there was an event going on, some sort of cheap carnival had made an appearance and everypony was hyped to go. Usually, when he gets dragged by his brother on a trip outside the Changeling Kingdom, he'd go off sulking in the local bar. Today, he was given something to do.

"Come on, Pharynx! Do me this one favour. If you do, I'll... erm... I'll promote you to Head of Changeling Kingdom! You'll be in charge of the guards, how about that?"

"I already am the Head of Changeling Kingdom." Pharynx grumbled.

Thorax had been trying for the past ten minutes to get Pharynx to help him out with a certain... issue that had arisen.

See, Ocellus, a changeling student at Princess Twilight Sparkle's School of Friendship, really wanted to go to the carnival that day, but Thorax was pulled away on an urgent meeting with Princess Cadance and Shining Armor regarding Pharynx's recent destruction of a certain migrating species native to the wilderness within the vicinity of the Crystal Empire outskirts. Sure, the Giant Frogs prey on young Changelings but it is still unacceptable to slaughter an entire species until near extinction.

"Look at her, Pharynx!" Thorax yelled, pointing at the depressed Ocellus who was sitting on the ground. "She's almost on the verge of tears! Now, if I could take her, you know I would, but I'm busy with all those meetings about you!"

Pharynx smirked. "I had a good reason. Those overgrown, slimy, not to mention ugly, reptiles set foot on our territory and, what a surprise, they just so happened to be eyeing the young."

"This is not ok and you know it. It's one thing to screw me over, but Ocellus has done nothing wrong. She's literally the most adorable thing on the planet. Now, move your butt and take her to the carnival or so help me, I'll make you suffer!" Thorax transformed into a bear at this point to emphasise his point, but Pharynx wasn't even phased. He simply shrugged, he knew, in a fight against the King of Changelings, he'd still come out victorious.

After a minute of Thorax shouting and Pharynx zoning out, the older sibling felt a small tap on his side. Turning around, he was hit by the physical manifestation of cuteness that is Ocellus.

"Pharynx, sir?" she asked in the quietest yet sweetest voice she has, "Will you go to the carnival with me today?"

"No." He replied shortly with a deadpan stare.

"Oh ok." She said, hanging her head in defeat. It was then when she begin to start crying, "I-I'm sorry Pharynx, but I've never been to a carnival before. My friends at school promised to take me to one but we never got the chance to go... and I wanted to ride the roller coaster!"

That last part triggered a memory that Pharynx thought was long forgotten. It was of him going on the same ride with his unit in this very kingdom during Chrysalis' reign. He was surprised that he'd thrown up in the end. As a fighter, he had experienced being thrown about by his opponents and doing evasive manoeuvres midair in a fashion that most would think impossible, but to think that he was beaten by a mere carnival ride.

Pride got the better of Pharynx. He wanted to conquer the roller coaster. He sighed before motioning Ocellus to come with.

"C'mon kid, I'll take you to the damned fair."

A wide grin made its way to Ocellus' face as she squealed and skipped alongside the dark cyan changeling.

Thorax smiled at the two. "I always knew he still had a heart..."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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