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As we entered, the teacher was already there.

—Good afternoon —he pointed at us, mockingly.

Aidan and Ryan were confused, as if processing the situation.

When I tried to sit next to Astrid, the teacher gave us a grimace that I didn't like at all.

—I don't want you to be around... At least not in my class.

My friend got up and sat in the back. Right next to Aidan. On the contrary, I hadn't noticed that Ryan was still standing.

—And you sit with ___.

Ryan obeyed.

The class started. I wasn't paying much attention, because the teacher was saying basic things, which didn't really pertain to any subject.

I drummed my fingers on my desk, bored. I couldn't help turning around, focusing my eyes towards the back, where Astrid, amused, was chatting with Aidan.

-Either one of two: you like your friend or you like my brother.

For a moment, I didn't care much about where that voice was coming from, but I was tempted to know what expression Ryan had on his face.

—How can you say something like that in such a flippant way?

—Hey, but there's nothing wrong with liking your friend.

—Don't act funny, Ryan. You know that's not what I'm talking about.

His voice had a jocular tone, but, in fact, his face was the true image of seriousness.

—So, what's all this game, Gallagher?

—Well, I don't know if you've noticed, but when you looked at those two you had a rather curious on your face.

I thought he was teasing me, but for a second I doubted myself. He took my silence as a pass to keep talking.

—But I think you're smart enough to realize that it's wrong to fall in love with your stepbrother —Ryan finished. He looked determined with this last thing he said.

—And you don't underestimate me, little brother.

I preferred to fixate on anything else unrelated in the previous conversation. I was terrified at the thought of falling in love with Aidan.

We passed the class. I waited for Astrid to sit nearby, but she didn't even notice me and kept talking about whatever nonsense with Aidan. The best friend in the world.


When recess came, I rushed out of the classroom (mostly so my friend would notice my absence).

I was shopping for food when I heard laughter. I turned around only to discover it was Astrid and Aidan. They were laughing their heads off.

It made me too angry. I couldn't believe my friend would trade me in for a cute boy. It felt so fanciful.

—Alone, lonely, loner —I sang to myself as I sat down on a bench.

I noticed Ryan in the distance, he was talking to some boys. How quickly they were all making friends.

I slowly ate my sandwich, wondering if i looked like a homo sapiens there alone.

I turned my gaze back to Ryan without quite knowing why. He had stopped talking to his friends and was coming towards me.

—What are you here for?

—To keep you company. You looked bored. Where's your friend?

—I don't know where that traitor is. Probably with your brother.

—How funny. If a woman leaves another woman, she gets mad. But I just left my friends for you and they didn't complain one bit.

I looked at him. I liked the color of his eyes. I guessed they were green.

—Can I have some of your sandwich?


He grumbled.

—I bet you the girls over there would give it to me no problem.

—Well, go and test your alpha male powers —we laughed. I looked at those girls—. My God, it's true, they look at you as if you were Henry Cavill.

—Who is that inferior being compared to me?

—If it was a joke, I recommend you get into stand up comedy.

In the end, I gave him some of my food. What can I tell you? His alpha male powers were real.

We talked about everything for a bit until Ryan's friend came and took him away. He said goodbye, serious.

I appreciated his company. She wasn't as bad as I thought.

—Hey, ___! —Astrid called me.


—Oh, my friend! If you knew...

—What? You've come to talk to me about Aidan?

—Why are you so serious? It's a good thing.

I told her a thousand times that I wasn't interested in knowing, but she was determined to tell me.

—It's just that Aidan invited me to his house.

—Correction: my house —I clarified with a dismissive tone—. Uh-huh, what are you going to my house for?

—I don't know, to hang out.

—But, Astrid, are you telling me this to ask me if it bothers me or just to warn me?

She blinked several times, as if she didn't understand the question.

—Why should it bother you?

—I don't know, maybe because it's my house and he's my stepbrother.

—That's the least of it, my friend.

I've had enough. I left her with the word in her mouth and went into the classroom.

The Gallagher twinsWhere stories live. Discover now