Chapter 2

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After meeting the Moon beauty, the young poet couldn't think of anything other than the ethereal being.. He wants to meet him again, know him personally and make him fall in love..

But alas.. Looks like the universe is testing him..

It's been 3 days already since our verse writer has got another glance of his Moon.. He has even written a stanza dedicated to the Pretty boy.. Maybe the prettiest human he has ever seen..

Being nature and romantic poet, he has travelled to many places to get his inspiration, but never in his 27 years of life, he has seen someone so gorgeous..

But outer beauty is not the only thing that attracted him.. Yess, his Moon is very beautiful, but what's more beautiful is his Moon's heart.. Despite being a stranger, Moon treated him with kindness and talked politely..

He softly asked him why he's clicking his pictures without permission, instead of rudely shouting or hitting him.. He even thought that Moon might call the police, but he didn't.. In fact, he was worried when Mr Poet indirectly said he's sick and needs cure.. He was just teasing, but never imagined that the Beauty would be worried about him.. On top of it, his Fairy's innocence and shy nature is just like cherry on top..

He prays to all the angels above to again send His Angel .. He, oh so badly, wants to meet the young beauty again..


At last, his prayers are answer..

But what he didn't expect, was to have a sweet ache in his heart upon seeing the beauty for the second time..

Mr Poet was standing on the footpath waiting for his cab, when he saw his Fairy driving..

*Waiting for Cab*

*Imagine it to be evening*

*Imagine it to be evening*

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*Saw his Fairy coming*

He immediately stretched his hands, asking for lift

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He immediately stretched his hands, asking for lift.. He can't miss this golden opportunity of being close to his Fairy for a few Euros.. Never..

*Asking for lift from his Fairy*

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