Chapter 4

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They share many of their child hood memories.. Some funny, some endearing, some embarrassing.. All in all, they got to know each other at a deeper level..

*Taekook sharing memories*
*Their outfit is same as the previous chapter*

Though our Rhymer wanted to spend some more time with his Pretty , but alas!! Time is running too fast for his linking

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Though our Rhymer wanted to spend some more time with his Pretty , but alas!! Time is running too fast for his linking.. He didn't even realise when 6:30pm turned to 8:15pm ..

He know he has to let go his Moon, but his heart is not ready.. It craves for the presence of the ethereal being who has already captivated his heart, without his knowledge.. And now it's his turn to make the captivator as His..

*Mr.Poet looking at his heart captivator*

Koo's eyes fall on the clock hanging on the wall and he is shocked to realize that it's already 8:20 pm

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Koo's eyes fall on the clock hanging on the wall and he is shocked to realize that it's already 8:20 pm.. He has to go now.. With a lil sad pout, he decided to bid goodbyes to the admirable person who invited him..

Koo : Umm.. Hyungiee..

Tae : Yes Pretty..

Koo : It's getting late.. I've to go, now.. Thank you for inviting me to your house..

Tae : Come on, Darling.. What's there to thank me?? Didn't I already told you that I want to know you better.. Hmm..

Koo : Yes, But-

Tae : No buts, Sweetie.. It was a pleasure to have you here..

Koo : Pleasure was mine , Hyungiee.. I really enjoyed it..

Tae : You did??

Koo : Yess, Hyungiee..

Tae : Then come here to pick me again tomorrow morning .. We'll have breakfast together..

Koo : Huh?! Bu-

Tae : No buts.. Tomorrow, breakfast with me at 9 o'clock.. I'll be waiting for you here and we'll drive together to the place..

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