Chapter 10

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While Koo was busy in realising his love for his Hyungiee, our poet thought that he made the beauty uncomfortable as he was too quiet.. So, he thought to apologize his Fairy..

No.. He's not apologizing for confessing his love, he is proud to love his Doll.. He's apologizing for making him uncomfortable ..

(A/N : This is what our lil poet thinks, not knowing the effect he has on the beauty)

Mr Poet was about to say something, when his Moon pulled him by his collar and kissed him..

(A/N : Finally!! 🥳🥳)

Our Poet was too shocked to process that the most beautiful creation of God is kissing him.. Kissing!! Him!! On lips!!

Oh God.. He is flying in heaven.. Never in his dream, he thought that his Doll will take the first step and kiss him..

Without wasting any time, he grabbed the tiny waist, pulled him closer and kissed him passionately.. The kiss was full of unconditional love, unshakable trust, devotion and lil desire for each other..

When they were out of breath, Koo tapped on Tae's shoulder to break the kiss.. After giving a last peck to the soft and sweet strawberry lips, Tae pulled away..

Both of them were panting, but you could see happiness on their face..

Koo : *panting* N-Now, you get your answer..

Tae : *panting* *chuckles* I guess I did , My Love..

Koo : So??

Tae : Will you be with me when we grow old, Darling??

Koo : *hugs Tae* Yess!! I will, Hyungiee..

Tae : *hugs back* Je t'aime, Chéri..
(I love you, Darling)

Koo : Je t'aime aussi, mon Amour..
(I love you too, My love)

Tae : *kiss Koo's forehead* Ma tarte à la Lune..

Koo : *hits Tae's biceps* Translate, you meanie..

Tae : I said, My *peck* Moon *peck* pie *peck

Koo : *giggles* Then you're My Sun pie *peck Tae's lips*

Tae : *pinch Koo's cheeks* Cutie.. Come let's go and make lunch..

Koo : Omo.. I forgot about it.. Let's go..

Tae : Was my kiss that good, that you forgot about it?? *smirk*

Koo : Maybe.. *winks

Tae : You're driving me crazy..


After lots of flirting and kitchen romance with kissies in between, our official couple finally made White wine Coq au vin..

*White wine Coq au vin*

*White wine Coq au vin*

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