Untitled Part 2

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(ok so first I just wanna say I'm SO sorry this took forever to update, I wrote a really long chapter though so I hope that makes up for it. I swear I never meant for it to take this long.

Second, this is my first time writing like, ALL THE WAY smut, so I'm sorry if its terrible, but I promise there will be no smut in the last chapter so XD

Ok, I hope you enjoy.)


Let My Body Love Your Body Baby All Night Long

Kllin was stressed, pacing back and forth through his living room, a million and one thoughts flying through his mind. Why had he let Vic get away with that? Why had he not objected? Why hadn't he pushed harder? Why did he let Vic walk away so smug and accomplished? He should have said no. Because now look where Kellin was, pacing back and forth through his living room, waiting for his stupid idiot of a boyfriend to show up with his stupid face, and his stupid grin, and his stupid smile, and his stupid voice, and his stupid eyes, and his stupid hair, and his stupid arms and stupid hands with the stupid magic fingers, and Kellin was completely and utterly screwed.

Because this was Victor Vincent Fucking Fuentes, and there was no way he was going to let this be an innocent night of cuddles and movies, THAT, Kellin could explain to his mother if she showed up, but no, Vic was horny and Kellin hadn't let them fuck at all all week and while Vic was the sweetest, most amazing, caring boyfriend who treated Kellin like a princess 99% of the time, he seriously believed he was right about this one and wanted a good fuck. Which, wouldn't be a problem if Kellin was just a bit less cautious and a tad more daring, but unfortunately he wasn't, he was instead, scared and anxious and a tad bit turned on by the fact that Vic wanted him so bad, but he tried to focus more so on the first two.

And now he was stuck, pacing back and forth, worrying about the inevitable. He loved Vic, he really did, but he was by no means ready to come out and even if he was, would rather tell his mother himself than have her walk in on him and his boyfriend fast asleep after sex.

Everyone knew Vic was gay, he was very open with and proud of his sexuality, and Kellin supposed it wouldn't be to outrageous to assume that some people probably assumed he was gay as well. He didn't exactly act straight, in fact he could probably count at least ten times in a day where his best friend Tay would say to him, "Your so gay." and they would laugh about it because he totally was and Tay knew it, she had known even before Kellin himself knew, which, actually wasn't to shocking because the two had known each other since before they could hold their own heads up and Tay knew more about Kellin than he knew about himself and vice versa.

So while Kellin was still living in oblivious, ignorant bliss, telling himself it was perfectly normal to find a few guys highly attractive and it was perfectly fine if he had a wet dream about that one dude from the basketball team, Tay was the one to waltz right up to Kellin and pop his bubble with her big bad dream crusher called reality. "Kellin are you gay?" She had asked him, and of course he had denied right away, but it was to late now, his bubble had been popped and now this new possibility was coming into play making everything a million times more complicated, because he wasn't gay. There was no possible way that he was anything but completely straight, sure he wasn't even remotely attracted to any female he had laid his pretty little eyes on, but that was only because he just hadn't found the right on, right? But all these gay thought, no they just couldn't stay, they where evil and needed to go, Kellin was not gay and he would prove it. But now that these thoughts where in his head he could see it now, he could see how he looked at those guys, how bad he wanted them naked in his bed ready to fuck him so hard that they would hear him screaming all the way in Canada, he could see it, and that's how Tay had found Kellin curled up in a ball in the corner of his room, crying his eyes out and trying desperately to deny the obvious truth, and that's how Tay convinced Kellin it was totally ok to be gay, and that there was nothing wrong with him liking, as she put it, dick instead of chick.

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