Untitled Part 1

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((Hi guys, this story is dedicated to @LenaTheAwkwardTurtle for being my 200th follower!

This is an AU Kellic, here's the description:

Kellin has a secret, a pretty fucking big one too, one that could quite possible ruin his entire life and maybe even get him killed- well, maybe that's a bit exaggerated.

Kellin is gay, and very much closeted, but having a secret boyfriend who has been ten miles out of Narnia and kind of a spot light whore for years doesn't exactly work well with his determination to meet Mr. Tumnes- or rather, avoid his mothers wrath and quite possibly save his own life, or something like that.

Mrs. Botswick goes away on a business trip and will be gone for a week, now, Kellin has seen enough movies to know that you never do something risky while your parents are gone because they always end up showing up a day early. Yet, despite Kellin's best attempts at keeping his boyfriend away, Vic somehow managed to flirt his way into Kellin's house, and more importantly, his pants. And well, the world must really fucking hate him because yeah, when Kellin wakes up the next morning, naked and sore and snuggled up beside Vic, his mom was fucking home, and Kellin has no clue as to how the hell he I going to explain to his mom why her supposedly heterosexual son is naked in bed with his 'best friend'.

Yeah, this'll be fun.

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so I hope you all enjoy!))


You Know I Love It When You Talk Like That

"Hey Kellin!" A voice called out, rushing down the halls to catch up to the raven haired boy.

Kellin cringed, contemplating weather or not he could pretend as if he hadn't heard him, continuing down the halls to his next lesson, because this was the exact person Kellin had been purposely, and untill now, successfully avoiding. He sighed, most likely acting way more dramatic than necessary, because really he was freaking out over having to speak to his own boyfriend, and the thing was he hadn't even done anything wrong, and Kellin knew that he would be wanting an explanation as to why the hell he had been keeping his distance. He knew Vic - his boyfriend -had noticed, he wasn't exactly being casual about it, Kellin had even went as far as to walk the whole way around the school instead of the one short hallway to get to math and sat with Pete fucking Wentz- who both he and Vic absolutely despised -at lunch. So yes, Vic noticed.

But all thoughts of avoiding the boy went down the drain as he felt the tiny Mexican literally jump onto his back, his hands going over Kellin's eyes and he almost collapsed from the sudden excess weight.

"Kellin Quinn Botswick you are in so much trouble." Vic shouted sarcastically, but Kellin could hear the pain in his voice. "Why the hell have you been avoiding me you ass?!"

"I haven't." Kellin stated simply, pulling Vic's hands from his eyes and propping him up higher on his back so he didn't slip off, because Vic might have a very nice ass but Kellin doubted that he would appreciate falling onto it.

"Yes you have!"

"No I haven't, now get off me before I fall on top of you."

Vic rolled his eyes, sliding off of the boy and quickly snatching up his hand in his own. He shot Kellin an annoyed look, "Yes you have, now tell me why because I plan on coming over tonight because your moms been gone all week and I know you hate being alone, and I doubt you'll even want me there if your mad at me. "

Kellin sighed, "Vic, I'm not mad at you, but you can't come over tonight, you have to stay at your house."

"And right there, that's how I know you are mad, why the hell don't you want me around?!" Vic squeezed his hand, almost as if he where afraid that it would slip away, which Kellin found adorable. Well, Kellin found everything about Vic adorable, which is why he had been avoiding Vic in the first place. As Vic said before, Kellin's mom had been gone all week, and would be coming home in two days, and call him a pussy if you must but he was scared that if he had Vic over she would end up showing up at home early for some un know reason and Kellin would be screwed, not that he wouldn't already be screwed but that would be Vic's fault.

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