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"Don't ask me why i changed, ask yourself what you did to me

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"Don't ask me why i changed,
ask yourself what you did to me..."


Sry for disturbance but this is important do read!!
NOTE: My exams are starting this week so I won't be able to give updates till i finish my exams that is 28th of Feb. You'll get regular updates from then but till then you gotta wait. However, I'll post an update on Hobi's birthday that is 18th of Feb. Hope you understand. Luv you 💜💜

So let's continue..


BTS walked into their main base as they completed their mission and went there to change cuz they don't want their sister to see covered in blood.

Jungkook: the mission wasn't that hard tho

He said as he walked in the room with others.

Hobi: true we should have let the maknae go with sunshine.

Maknae: no~

Jin: why? You don't want to go with princess?

Jimin: it's not like we don't want to go with her but..

Maknae: we hate university

The hyung line chuckled shaking their heads in disbelief. That's when a injured bodyguard came to them limping on his steps. He was supporting himself with another man who was helping him stand

BTS's eyes widen seeing the bodyguard. They all ran towards him

Jin: are you ok? What happened to you?

That's when Namjoon realised smth

Namjoon: aren't you the bodyguard we assigned for Angel?

The bodyguard nodded.

Hobi: what happened to you? Is sunshine ok? where is she?

He asked as concern dropped out of his sentence.

Bodyguard: m-miss y-y/n..

He coughed and continued

Bodyguard: someone planted a bomb in the university's library


The bodyguard nodded.  

Bodyguard: b-boss you should g-go and save miss y-y/n

Yoongi: take care of him

He told the other man and ran out of there with the other members.

Jimin was driving the car as the others were sitting at the backseat, restless.

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