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I let out deep sigh, sitting at my vanity

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I let out deep sigh, sitting at my vanity.

"You are going to get through this." Cherry squinted her eyes at the mirror, as she hovered behind me, her hands placed on my shoulders.

"Babe... it's not that dramatic." I look up at her, she begins to glare at me. "You're going to give his parents a heart attack." She changes the topic. "That's the plan." I smile.

I was wearing a black lacy top, showing off a lot of cleavage, along with a matching skirt that had even more lace detailing. It wasn't something you'd wear if you wanted to make a good impression, which I wasn't trying to anyways.

The sounds of the doorbell ringing echoed throughout the large house.

"Shit." I scrambled, getting up. Cherry stood in front of me, fixing some of my curled hair.

"If he shifts in his seat a lot, that means you have an affect on him." She played with my hair, fixing any stray pieces. "Cherry!" I gasped.

"What! I may not be into dick but I know when I see one standing up!" She defended, taking a step back, holding her hands up.

"Liv! Come down here please!" My mom shouted, I exhaled deeply, walking up to my door. "Please hate me, please hate me." I pleaded, hoping his parents would back out.

I linked my pinky finger with Cherry's walking down the stairs, I noticed everyone conversing at the dinner table, and there he fucking was.

He had laughed at something my dad said, his smile lighting up his face.

At least he has a nice smile.

Dad jokes aren't funny though.

He had on a tan beanie, with those glasses he'd been wearing for as long as I could remember. They we're shaped circularly.

A sweater on, an ugly one I may add. It had all this extra fabric, which made it horrendous.

Stop being a bitch Liv, you don't even know the guy. Do you ever shut the hell up?

I saw everyone move their gaze to me, my mom and dad had a glare set on my outfit. Oh well I guess, shouldn't have brought me a random guy.

I smiled gracefully. Making the last step. His parents stood up, as so did he.

I shook his parents hand, greeting both of them. I moved my hand to Tom's shaking it, I expected it to be clammy, but it wasn't.

It was warm, his fingers were deeply callused. The roughness sent a tingle up my arms as I sat down. "Oh this is Cherry, my best friend. I hope it's not a bother? I really wanted her to meet you." I smiled, pointing to her.

"It's no bother." Tom cleared his throat, sitting down. Even the way he talks is... odd.

His accent is nice though, i'll give him that.

"Your choice of outfit, is interesting Olivia. Maybe Tom could teach you to dress better." My mom scolds, as we sat down. I glance at Tom, noticing a piercing on his lip.

What did the bible say again? Oh yeah.

"Oh, but mom... what about Leviticus 19:28... which if I remember correctly says.."

"Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the lord." I added on, what? You thought I wasn't going to study up, on my knowledge?

I heard a tiny amused chuckle emerge from Tom, his tongue swiping over the piercing.

"Oh, but didn't Hebrews 13:4 state, 'Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous?'." He fires back.

I clenched my jaw, glancing at Cherry.

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." I quoted again.

"Well, you already judged me from the start, no?" He took a sip of water, setting back down on the table.

I crossed one leg over the other, not saying anything else. He got you good.

"I'm sure you kids can learn to be civil. With the help of God, we can conquer all that we hope for." His dad jumped in.

"I agree." Tom flashed me a smile.


This was awkward, well not for our parents. Just us, the silence was filled with the sounds of our forks scraping against the plates.

I was bored out of my mind.

"What are the rest of your plans for the evening?" My dad pried, they were getting along swimmingly. Which I didn't appreciate.

"Tom has bible study, and I was hoping to make new renovations for the church." Tom's dad answered. "Well that's splendid! Why don't you go to bible study with him?" Mom suggests.

I saw his eyes widen a little, as I let out a deep sigh. I had no choice, I was aware of that.

"Oh yeah, you kids go have fun." His mom smiled. "Change first." My mom mutters, afterwards. I rolled my eyes, getting up.

"Could you show me to a restroom, Olivia." Tom asked, getting up as well.

"Yeah come on." I got up with Cherry, motioning for him to follow us. I made her walk in front of me, making him be behind both of us.

I didn't know if he would look, but a very short skirt can reveal many things.

I marched up the steps leading him to the bathroom. "I'll be down soon, just give me ten minutes." I stated, opening the bathroom door.

He nodded, entering. I took Cherry's hand running to my room.

"He's your soulmate." Cherry said, right away sitting on my bed, once we entered.

I turned my body to look at her, bewildered. "What? No he's not." I rejected, immediately.

"He's the only guy who's ever kept up with your attitude, and he got you with the sex shit. It was... attractive, there's more to him. I know there is!" She jumped up, being all giddy.

"He was just being a bitch, that's it!" I walked over to my closet. "Okay, so were you. You met the poor guy for four seconds, and started grilling him. Just live a little!"

"Also he's German for God's sake! They have huge dicks, and you need that in your life!" Cherry adds on.

"Do you think he has a big dick?" I whispered. Leaning against her.

"Why don't you come and find out?"

I jumped back, turning my head to the door. Seeing him leaning against it.

"What if I was changing!" I crossed my arms. "It would be a sight for sore eyes then." He smirked teasingly, trying to annoy me.

I let my mouth hang agape.

"Who are you?!" I shuddered. "Your husband, now change." He closed the door.

Cherry started hopping up and down in excitement, who the hell does he think he is?! Your husband, he already said that idiot.

Jesus, no need to be so rude.

"He was just trying to annoy me, don't get too excited." I calmed her down. "This is true love, i'm telling you, mark my words you will!-"

"Cherry! Stop!" I whined, cutting her off.

"You're in denial! Come on you don't think smart guys are attractive? Maybe it's a façade! What if he's actually like... not weird!" She says.

I guess we'll have to wait and find out.

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