A Mother's love

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This woman is a mother and she's 49 years old and her daughter is a successful medical student. They don't have much but its enough for them to survive.
The mother is blind in one eye, has a limp in the left leg and her hair is always scattered on her head.

One mid-day around lunch the daughter was sitting with her friends on campus. They ask her why she wasn't eating and she just said she wasn't hungry but the truth was that she left her lunch at home.
A few minutes later
"Hey look at that dirty old lady" one of her friends said and pointed towards a woman walking/ hopping towards them. It was the girls mother and immediately she felt ashamed of her.
"Dear you forgot your lunch" the woman said
Handing her daughter a small butter container. All of her friends started to laugh. "This is your mother?!?!" One of them asked
"Psk... no I don't know you." The girl said with a disgusted look on her face.
A hurt expression plastered itself on the woman's face. "My bad... you just look like my daughter." Her mother said squinting her eyes.
The old woman turned and walked away. She headed to the principal's office. The principal was a sweet lady in her late 30s. When she got to the principal's office she explained to her how her daughter was ashamed of her and if she could give her the lunch. After explaining the situation in detail, all the principal did was nod. She had tears in her eyes.
That afternoon after school
"I'm home mom" the girl shouted
"I'm in the kitchen dear" she answered
The girl went to the kitchen. "Mom I told you never to come to my school but don't worry I forgive you. Anyways the school is giving me a scolership to study in America!!!!!"
Her mother's face grew grim.
"Just you?"
"Yea and it will be great cause they are looking after expenses." The daughter said excited.
"Your leaving me... alone... to fend for myself?" Her mother sobbed.
The girls heart ached.
"No... you'll be in a home for the elderly and they will take good care of you there mom" the daughter said with a smile.
Her mother put over a fake smile but the tears kept coming.
The day the daughter leaves.
"Ok mom the people here will take care of you while I'm gone and I promise I'll write to you".
Her mother smiled with sad tears in her eyes and hugged her daughter.
*3 years later*
The daughter is now fully trained and is heading home to her mother for the first time in 3 years.
In those years away from her mom she understood how much she missed her.
She finally arrives at the home she placed her mom in and asked for her. The nurse seemed shocked and she handed me a letter and it read:

My dear daughter,
I've sent you countless letters over these 2 years but not one response. I remember the day your friends laughed at me and you disowned me, it hurt that you were ashamed of me but I loved you. I will always love you. If you were going blind I would give you my one good eye. If you were in surgery and was about to die I would give you every drop of my blood. But...You were not there when I need you but don't worry I forgive you.
I will always love you

My tears soaked that letter. I wasn't there for my mom... I treated her horrible and now... now shes dead.

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