At The Edge Of The Universe 3

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"When you return, don't forget to live, little one", the man said standing up as if he was preparing to leave.
I sat up, confused.
"Where are you going? What do you mean?", I said and tried standing up, but I couldn't. I looked at my feet and saw them slowly fading.
For some reason, I didn't feel scared or worried. I looked back at the man, and he was looking at me with a sad smile.
"You will wake up and forget you ever met me. It will be for the better, I suppose", he said and scratched his cheek lightly.
I tried to speak but he held up his hand.

"Unlike you, I have seen forever and will probably still be here when the universe goes to sleep. But you, you only have so much time", he said and walked towards me, and bent down to look me in the eye.
"Live intentionally. Love with passion and let those dear to you know what they mean to you. You don't have time", he said quietly.
It's an interesting and overwhelming feeling when an eternal entity tells you that you don't have time.
"Don't be afraid to try, but be very afraid of being an idiot. Remember, you don't have time", he said and stood up.

He walked a couple steps away, stopped and turned back to look at me one last time. I too, knew it was the last time. I will never see him again.
Never, I thought to myself. What a weird thing, to know something will be missing or won't happen again in an eternity.
"I will miss you", he said as my vision started to fade.
And then, nothing.....

I woke up in my bed, my cat sleeping quietly next to my head. It's a miracle she hasn't attacked my hair today, or decided to make biscuits on my stomach.
I had a dream I remember nothing of, but I feel great peace and a mild sense of loss.
I was going to go to the movies today, but I think I want to see some friends. And call my mom, it's been a long time. I miss her.
And I think I should visit my siblings, and maybe take my cat on a walk and feed her lots of treats and-

Tis 7:26am. I will go back to sleep, then be human today. Unexpected story, heh?

Til next time, mon ami(e)

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