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"You're ugly

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"You're ugly." I squinted my eyes at him.

He furrows his brows, stopping at the red light. "Yeah, well you're a whore." He said back.

"Okay, rude." I stared out the window. "I was just kidding, don't get your panties in a twist." Once the light had turned green, he started to drive off.

"You're still ugly." I rolled my eyes.

"You're still a whore, that's literally why they're making me marry you? Isn't it?"

"Asshole." I muttered, under my breath. "Asshole who's smarter than you." He remarks.

"I liked you better when we were at dinner." My body shook a little, as we hit a speed bump.

"You'll like me better when i'm in your bed." He smirked, shining off those pearly whites. "Again?! Who are you!" I gasped.

"Are you just mentally dense? We've been through this, i'm your husband." Tom says. "Aren't you supposed to be reading your bible?" I scoffed, he was already getting on my nerves.

"Aren't you supposed to be in college?" He laughed. "I'm a model, I don't need college."

"That's an odd mindset." He parked the car, I looked outside. This does not look like bible study, actually does it? I wouldn't know.

"This doesn't look like bible study." I glanced out the window then back at him. "Oh yeah... um, we're just gonna meet some friends here first then we can go." He opens the center console.

Friends? What friends.

I watched him as he pulled down his mirror, firstly taking his glasses off then his beanie. My eyes widened a little, looking at him.

He dove inside the little compartment pulling a bandana out. He tied it tightly around his head.

Tom unbuckles his seatbelt, taking his sweater off, throwing it in the back seat, his shirt had risen a little, revealing a small part of his chest.

Holy mother of -

He pulls his oversized shirt down, straightening himself up. I glanced up at him, his entire look had changed, within just a matter of seconds.

He's kind of attractive. What the fuck?

Tom closes the compartment, putting his mirror back up. "Kay, let's go." He stepped out the car, I sat there in shock, what just happened?

I unbuckled my seatbelt, getting caught off guard by him opening my door. I stepped out, looking him up and down.

My mind still wasn't comprehending this.

I felt my throat getting dry. "Bible... study, what?" I swallowed, looking at the club in front of us. "Yeah, later." He nodded.

"Also, one of my ex-girlfriends is here. Could you pretend to like me, uhm.. here." He pulled out a velvet box from his pocket.

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