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august had slipped away, but you had made it

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august had slipped away, but you had made it. the last two summer months were full of phone calls and emails, yet they got you where you wanted to.

your college in marley didn't want to agree with your transfer in paradis, because they didn't want to lose a student like you. you knew they would say something like that in order to stop you, but why would you care?

since you were an excellent student in marley, you could be an even better one in paradis. away from all the pressure, the envy and the hatred.

of course you mentioned the behavior of your classmates towards you, in both the phone calls and the emails, making it the main reason of your decision. and of course they couldn't look past that when it came to your mental health.

so, they made your folder and all you had to do was; return to marley, take the folder, empty your dorm, give back the key, take some other things from your house, (flip off your parents), give the folder to your new college and done.

you haven't told anyone about it. not even sasha. armin had seen you pack some things, which made his heart ache, but he didn't know those were the things you wanted to take with you just for some days.

you had booked a flight to marley for mid-september, and you were planning on staying for two days. no more. no less. you finished packing some clothes, before you left your room and knocked on armin's door.

you got no answer so you opened it, not finding him in his room. you looked around the apartment, before looking out the window. you spotted him on the beach, his golden hair moving softly from the breeze.

you left the dorm and walked towards him, feeling the sand under your feet. he turned his head to the side and looked at you, a confused expression on his face.

"what are you doing here?"

"is it too bad to join you?"

"no, it's not! but, don't you have to pack? i mean, you're leaving tomorrow"

it was only natural for him to think you were leaving. because your "time" in paradis was until the fifth of september. so, everyone thought you were leaving then.

you laughed softly and shook your head.

"i'm not leaving"

"what?" he asked, turning his body completely to face you.

"what do you mean you're not leaving? they want you back on the fifth, right? tomorrow is the fifth"

"i'm leaving on the fifteenth" you said.

"that's... eleven days from now..."

"and on thirteen days from now i'll be back"

he looked at you, confusion written all over his face.

"i'm not leaving, armin"

"but they—"

"i transferred to this college for the rest of my studies"

"hope you don't mind having me as your roommate for more time" you added, softly smiling.

armin closed the small distance between you so fast, picking you up and kissing you with so much passion. you smiled softly in it, as you tangled your fingers in his hair.

"please tell me you're not joking, y/n..." he whispered against your lips.

"i'm not joking, armin. i'm staying here"

"then you don't mind having me as your boyfriend, right?" 

"what?" you asked, pulling away to look at him.

"can i, finally, be your boyfriend, y/n?"

this time you attacked him with a kiss. a kiss which proved to the two of you that you were ready for that next step. full of love and admiration and passion. full of everything that took your breath away.

"you should know... i'm dating to marry" you breathed out.

"that's perfect! cause i'm dating to marry, too, pretty"

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