Chapter 4

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As we were driving to Down and Dirty I gave Lindsey the rundown on what Faith had told me.

"Wow so Lacey had a second job as a stripper on the weekends," Lindsey said.

"I guess so. My gut tells me that the person who killed Lacey has something to do with the club."

I attempted to make small talk with Lindsey in an attempt to get to know her better. But I was unsuccessful. This wasn't surprising considering the fact that one of the cons of having Autism is that we often struggle in social situations. Ultimately the duration of the car ride occurred in utter silence. An air of awkwardness filled the interior of the car. It was so palpable it was almost like there was a third person in the car with us. Thankfully, it didn't last long as we pulled up in front of Down and Dirty a minute later. Exiting the car I took in the sight of the club. The words Down and Dirty were displayed in large light blue neon letters across the top of the building. A large front door was framed by a window on either side. Through the large windows, you could see the strippers hard at work shaking their asses and showing off their cleavage to please their patrons.

"I bet they make a killing in tips. They probably make more in a month than I do in a year. You couldn't pay me enough to do a job like that." I thought to myself.

Now don't get me wrong I have nothing against strippers. Most of the girls who are strippers are just trying to make enough money to sustain themselves. Upon entering the club my ears were immediately assaulted by the level of noise. It was so loud I didn't even bother to cover my ears because it wouldn't have helped.

We approached the bar, laid our badges on the counter, and said "We'd like to speak to the manager".

"You're looking at him, I'm Greg. What can I do for you ladies" he asked.

"Is there somewhere quieter we could talk?" I said raising my voice so I could be heard over the noise.

He nodded, gestured to someone, walked out from behind the bar, and ushered us down a hallway, and into what I assumed was his office.

"Have a seat ladies" he said gesturing to the two black armchairs across from his desk.

"I'm Detective Short and this is my partner Detective Violet". We'd like to ask you some questions about one of your employees, Lacey Kingston. She did work here right" I asked.

"Ah, Lacey. She's one of my best employees. What do you want to know?"

"Are you aware that Lacey was murdered this past Friday?" I asked.

"No, I wasn't aware of that. But that explains why she didn't show up for work yesterday" Greg said.

"Was it unusual for Lacey to miss work?" Lindsey asked.

"Yes, it was. She was never late."

"Weren't you at all concerned when she didn't show up for work yesterday?" I asked.

"Of course".

"Then why didn't you call the police?" Lindsey asked.

"I have two words for you that answer that question. Criminal record." I nodded my head in understanding. It isn't easy for people with a criminal record to find a job after they get out of prison, let alone start their own business. With that being said, that can also make it hard for someone with a criminal record to come forward with information regarding a crime because they're fearful of being accused themselves. "Do you have any idea who might have wanted Lacey dead?" I asked.

"Only one person that really stands out," Greg replied.

"Who would that be?" I asked.

"Victor Krane".

Victor Krane turned out to be a caucasian, about five foot four with light brown hair and almond-shaped eyes. His left arm was covered in various tattoos. His biceps were muscular and between the muscles and the tattoos, he had an air of toughness about him.  We spotted him standing in front of one of the stages guarding the performer.

Walking up to him I said, "We need to ask you some questions about Lacey Kingston." He gestured to the dancer on the stage to tell us that he couldn't leave.

"We only need ten minutes of your time," Lindsey said.

He sighed "Take a ten-minute break, Nancy." The dancer hopped off stage and sauntered off in the direction of the break room. Meanwhile, the three of us went outside to chat. We settled ourselves on a wooden bench in front of the club.  The bench was meant for two people so it was quite a tight fit with the three of us.

"Like I said we're here about Lacey Kingston. She was found murdered this past Friday."

"What does that have to do with me?" Victor asked.

"Well your name was mentioned as someone who might have wanted Lacey dead," Lindsey said. 

"Did I want her dead, yes. Would I have done it myself hell no" said Victor. A look of confusion came over my face.

"I'm sorry but that makes absolutely no sense to me. How can you want someone dead but not do it yourself" I said.

"Let me make it simpler for you. I didn't want her dead bad enough that I would have acted on it" Victor said.

"Then you wouldn't mind telling us where you were between six and six thirty on Friday, October 1," I said.

"If you must know I was at home alone reading a book".

"In other words, you don't have an alibi," Lindsey said.

"Say what you want but I didn't kill Lacey".

I left the interview feeling frustrated. Thankfully by the time Lindsey and I got back to the precinct, it was time for me to go home. When I got home I found a note sitting by my front door. Unlocking my front door I  entered my house and took a seat on the black sofa in my living room, opened the note and this is what it said.

Detective Short, I'm glad to see that some good has come from the unfortunate death of your parents all those years ago. It's too bad the police still haven't found out who murdered your parents. But that's why you became a homicide detective in the first place, isn't it?  Anyway, I bet you're wondering who this letter is from. I'd tell you but I think you already know. Catch me if you can.  

I threw the letter down on the coffee table in front of me grabbed my phone and dialed Lindsey's number.  She picked up after the second ring. I told her what happened and to have the department send a crime scene team to my house pronto. Lindsey assured me she'd get on it right away and that she'd come over soon. As soon as Lindsey and I were off the phone I dialed my sister Corrine's number. While I was waiting for her to answer my call I started tearing up. When she finally answered the phone I was crying so hard I couldn't speak clearly. In between sobs, I managed to tell her what had happened. The minute I got off the phone with Corinne I sat on the couch sobbing uncontrollably. Five minutes later the doorbell rang and I opened the door to find my partner Lindsey, Faith, Tasha, Doc Casey, and the crime scene team standing on my doorstep. Lindsey came up to me and gave me a hug and Natasha, Faith and Doc Casey did the same. 

I stepped aside to let them all in and told them where the letter was and that I had touched it. The crime scene team got straight to work with Lindsey directing them.  I just watched them work while I sat on the couch. Moments after Lindsey and the crime scene team arrived the door opened and my sister rushed in and ran to me and pulled me into a giant hug. Thirty minutes later Lindsey and the crime scene team left. I turned to my sister and she nodded knowing that I was asking if I could spend the night at her place. I quickly packed a bag and got in my car and followed my sister back to her place. When we got there We changed into our pajamas and sat on the couch and watched a movie. Which we ended up falling asleep to. 

The Autistic Detective: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now