Chapter 2

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Taylor and I went home to pack considering we were leaving for America tomorrow, which is very exciting but I know that Taylor gets homesick a lot and we're going to be away for 7 months, so she's a bit sad that she has to leave mum, dad and our little brother bailey for so long.

I was packing my bag when I heard soft whimpers from the room across from mine. I quickly got up to see what the noise was.

I walk in to see my little 4 year old brother lying in his bed, curled up in a ball sobbing quietly into his wiggles pillow.

'Bailey, what's up bub, why are you crying,' I asked quietly, walking over to his bed and sitting next to him.

'Sis I don't want woo and taay, tto...ttto..leave,' he said in between sobs. He's face looked broken. I didn't want to leave the little gremlin but I know I have to.

I place him in my lap and wipe the tears from his cheeks, 'Bailey bear, it's only for a few months, we're not leaving forever, I would never do that to you,' I say feeling bad.

He looks up at me and places he's hands in mine. 'Pwomise you'll be here for my 5th birfday,' he said giving me puppy dog eyes. He's so cute, I love him to bits!

'Bailey I wouldn't miss it for the world,' I said kissing his forehead, 'Now get some sleep so you'll wake up in time to come to the airport with mum and dad..ok?, Bailey I love you,' I said tucking him in and heading for the door.

'I wove you mwore than de wiggles' he whispered.

He loves me more than the that's defiantly hard for a 5 year old to admit. Wiggles is he's life! It drives me up the walls!

I walk back into my room to find Taylor sitting on my bed. Wonder what she wants.

'Hey sis, what's up!' I say jumping onto the bed, making her bounce of it. I fall of the bed in fits of laughter. She gives me the evil eyes then joins me back on the bed. 'Your so annoying sometimes', she said giving me a nudge.

'Ok, spill the beans missy', she says in a serious tone. What the hell is she talking about. 'Exqueeze me, but I don't know what I'm meant to be spilling here', I say in a half ghetto voice. It's a thing we both do a lot.

I give her a 'I'm confused as hell look' then she blurts out all this crapola. 'Youandniallweregivingeachothergoogelyeyesandithinktheressomethinggoingonbetweenyoutwoandithinkilikeharry', she says very quickly.

'Ok number 1. I don't really like them, 2. Niall is very attractive but I just met him, 3. I know you like Harry, 4. I'm pretty sure he likes you too, and 5. You talk to fast!' I say feeling exhausted. 'Well I'm off to bed, we have to getup early and I don't wanna miss the plane, night chickadee,' I say giving her a hug that she returns.

I can barley get to sleep, I'm so excited for tomorrow. I'm also nervous. I think I'm getting feels for Niall, and I only met him a few hours ago!

It's 3am now and I have to be up in 3 hours to go to the airport. I hear my door slowly creep open. I snap my head to the door and see a tall dark shadow. Who the hell is in my room! They slowly walk towards my bed. At this point I'm crapping myself. I feel something touch my foot and I jump in fright and slowly crawl back against my bed head.

You could say I'm like a tad scared right now!

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