Chapter 3

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I feel something touch my foot and I jump in fright and slowly crawl back against my bed head.

You could say I'm like a tad scared right now!

I feel it again.....and then again. I quickly reach for my lamp switch then flick it on and flip my sheets over. 'ARGGHHHHH, MOTHER FUDGER....HOW...WHEN.....WHY ME.....FUDGING BANANA STICKS!', I scream at the top of my lungs while jumping up and down on my bed.

My whole family rushes into my room in a panic...ahah they all look so funny with bed hair! NO AMANDA BACK TO REALITY! 'Amanda what is all this screaming about, you scared us half to death', my mum says concerned about my weird behavior.

'THERE IS A RAT IN MY BED....A STUPID RAT!!!...WHAT IS A RAT DOING IN MY BED!', i say in absolute hysterics.

And that's when the whole family except for dad jumped on my bed as well, so they wouldn't have an encounter with that rodent! 'I can't believe you guys a squealing over a little rat, anyway it's gone now, so go back to bed' , my dad says annoyed. Erm hello....a rat was in my bed, what was I meant to do, become friends with it and let it sleep with me. I THINK NOT! 'Sorry dad...goodnight everyone' I said while climbing back onto my now rodent free bed, and quickly falling asleep.

*Taylors POV

I walk back into my room still laughing about Amanda's encounter. She is the biggest drama queen I know.

I lay in my bed looking at the night Sky that is just peering through my curtains. I lay there awake thinking about everything that has Happened today and thinking about....Harry! Why am I thinking about I like him....I'm a fan...he'd never like a fan! Arghh I really need to get to sleep!

I plug my head phones into my iPod and put some quiet music on to help me go to sleep, it's a habit I have I always listen to music when I'm trying to get to sleep. I put on Ed sheeran, small bump. I love that song, it's amazing....actually I love all of Ed Sheerans songs.... Meh I love him!

I finally get lost in my thoughts and drift off into a deep sleep. Tomorrow will be great!

*Amanda's POV*

I am woken up by an ear piercing scream. who the hell is screaming at...what 6 in the morning..6..what happens at 6...FUCK we have to be at the airport in 15 minutes! I run down the hall to Taylors room to wake her up but shes running around her room in a complete frantick. 'AMANDA OMG I OVER SLEPT, and by the looks of it so did you,' she said looking at me with a smerk on her face.

'Are mum and dad up yet', i say fixing up my hair so i look half presentable.

'Yeah, they came and woke me up, and thats when i screamed', she said with a worried face

'Well im going to go get changed and bring my bags down stairs...i'll see you soon', i said while running into my room

*At the airport*

We all get out of the car at the airport and get our bags. we walk through the doors and head to the meeting spot that we were meeting the boys at, so we could all check in together. 'Amanda, Taylor, over here', someone yells, i look around and see all the boys waving in the distance. We quickly walk over to where the boys are standing. 'Hey guys, sorry we're late, we slept in', i say with a smirk. 'It's ok, as long as we're all here', Says paul. We give and recieve hugs from everyone.

Taylor and i were getting a lecture of mum and dad about not getting into trouble and causing havock. 'Now please make sure that if you choose to do anythink mature, if you no what i mean, to be careful and grown up about it', my mum said in a heavy tone. OMG she did not just go there! 'MUM, we don't need to disscuse that here, you'll embarris me', i said through gritted teeth. 'Sorry huny, and please look after your sister and don't let anything bad happen', she said while hugging me. 'Yep, will do, well by the looks of it i think we have to go, i will miss you all so so much!', i said with a sad expression. I hug mum and dad then pick up my little brother and walk over to Taylor.

'Bub, it's time for me and Tay to go now, we're going to miss you but you, mummy and daddy are going to come visit so we will see you soon', i said, tears forming. 'Sissy don't cwy, iwl see you soooon', he said wiping the tears of my cheeks. I kiss him on the cheek and hand him over to taylor so she can say goodbye.

After we say goodbye we are pushed through to the waiting lounge. Taylor and i sit down and then are joined by the boys not long after. 'Are you guys ready to see what it's like on tour with us', Harry says while taking a seat next to my sister. He so loves her. 'Yeah just sad about leaving our parents for a long time, and especially bailey', Taylor says speaking for the both of us. 'Oh umm if you don't mind me asking who's bailey..', harry says in a worried tone. Omg harry thinks bailey is like Taylors boyfriend. Taylor and i break out into fits of laughter.

'Ermm are you girls okay, whats so funny', says harry a bit confused. 'It's just that when you said whos bailey you were heaps worried, like he was my boyfriend or something, hes our little brother, HAHAHAHAHAH', Taylor managed to ge out before braking down in laughter.

All the boys were on the ground in fits of laughter while harry was standing there looking very embarrised. 'Oh ermm sorry', he said blushing crimson red. oh god im enjoying this so so much!

'Flight 23, to London, make your way to gate 4, your plane is ready for boarding', a voice over the intercom said. We all get up and head towards gate 4.

We boarded the plane and made our way to first class...Taylor and i were shell shocked when we saw the size of the seats/bed like things. They were huge! Niall's bottom managed to find the seat next to me and the seat next to Taylor was "conveniently" empty, well that was until Harrys big arse "conveniently" landed there ;)

Zayn ended up sitting with Louis and Liam decided to have a row to himself. 'Aww liam did your butt not fit on one seat', Louis said in a sweet innocent voice. 'Oh just because i have a ghetto booty and you don't', He said getting he's sass on. 'Oh hell no girl, last time i checked i was da sasy one around here', Louis said flapping his "chicken wings" everywhere.

We were all in fits of Laughter, while the 2 little sassy dolls were still arguing

'So Amanda, tell me a bit more about yourself. Maybe 20 questions', he says with a hint of shyness. Aww hes so cute! 'Umm Amanda, what are you on about', Niall said with confusion

'Woops i said that out loud, forget i said anything', i said trying to cover it up. 'But yeah, 20 Questions sounds good!, Fire away leprechaun' i said like i was on a mission.

Sorry if its not very motivated

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