Chapter 1

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Mum, Tay and I are ready to go!!', I yelled excitedly, jumping up and down.

If you haven't noticed yet, my sister and I are very very excited.

A few weeks ago my younger sister Taylor and I took part in a dance audition to appear in some of the biggest music artists video clips. Unfortunately we didn't get into any video clips but we have been asked to be back up dancers for a band.

We haven't been told what band but who cares, we get the chance to tour with a world known band, and today was the day we found out what band.

Here's a little bit about my sister and I.

My name is Amanda and I'm 19. I love the beach, shopping, dancing and Hanging with my friends. Oh and I'm a bit cray ;) I have golden brown wavy hair that falls down past my shoulder blades. It forms ringlets sometimes.

My sisters name is Taylor and she is 17 years old. She also loves everything I love but she always seems to go on about this band, one direction I think, it could be wrong direction. I don't take that much notice of them.

Yes they are very hot and they do have good music but in my eyes they're just another typical boy band that all girls fall head over heals for.

My sister is a very pretty little girl. She has sandy blond/brown hair and is the same length as mine and fairly straight. Oh and she's also cray :)

After a long car ride we finally arrived at the little office that we were asked to go to to meet the band and there manager.

'Hi, are you Amanda and Taylor', said a lady sitting at the front desk. We nodded our heads and smiled, trying to hold in our excitement, which in our case is very hard.

'Girls, just take a seat over here and I will come and get you when it's time', she said In a very mature voice.

We have been sitting for about 20mins and Taylor and I are starting to get a bit impatient, so we decide to go for a walk around the building and see what we can find.

We have been walking for 10 minutes and haven't found anything interesting, and then suddenly I felt a gush of wind go past me then my legs giving way and falling to the ground.

"Ouch, what the hell was that" I say with a hint of annoyance in my voice. I look up and see my sister with her mouth wide open....seriously she's going to catch flies!

"Taylor, are you ok, you look like you've just seen a ghost" I say

"Did you not just see who knocked you over", she says looking at me like I'm stupid

"Umm no, that's why i asked what happened", I said getting frustrated.

She seriously looked like she was going to faint. What did she see that made her feel that way.

" just knocked you over".. And with that she squealed very loudly.

I kinda just sat there not knowing what to say, just looking at her in awe. Did one direction really just nock me over.

"HOW RUDE!" I said, sarcasm dripping from my voice.

Taylor quickly grabbed my hand and ran, making me fly through the air still latching on to her hand. I quickly get my ground and keep running.

"Taylor why are we running" I whisper shouted. "I just got a message from mum, the band is waiting for us with their manager!, she yelled.

When we arrive back to where mum is, there receptionist shows us to the room and when we walk in there are 5 god dam sexy boys standing in front of Us. My sister stops in her tracks with her mouth wide open.

"You might want to shut your mouth, there are a few flies in here" said the curly haired one...I think his name is Harry because I'm pretty shore that its one direction standing in front of us.

My sister quickly shuts her mouth and gives me a look. I can tell she's trying to contain herself. "" everyone cracks up laughing at Taylor's randomness. Only my sister can make something so serious, so funny.

"Girls. Come. Sit" The manager beckons us to sit down next to the 5 boy bandy boys who's pants are too low, I sit down next to the blonde one he gives me a cheeky grin in which I return.

Taylor sits next to the curly one who made the flys comment before. Remind me to punch him later for making Taylor flustered.

"So girls, you both are here today to find out which band you will be touring with, that's true, yes?" The manager starts to explain the band blah blah blah

"One direction introduce your self to the girls as you will be touring with them for the next 7 months"

Are you seriously kidding me right now I have to live with these 5 idiots and why does this leprechaun beside me keep giving me these eyes like he wants to eat me.

Why is Harry potter giving Taylor these google eyes, no one gives my sister google eyes with out my permission, remind me to punch him twice now.

"Manda...Manda....MANDA" "STUPID HARRY POTTER WE ALL KNOW YOUR SCREWING HERMIONE BEHIND RON'S BACK" I clamp my mouth shut while everyone rolls on the floor with laughter.

Taylor and I have this thing that if under pressure or were stressed or we have been woken by a daydream just like I was then, we scream out random things. It's funny but also embarrassing.

" We are all gonna be great friends" says the Harry Potter looking one "Sure, sure Harry Potter. Just don't screw Taylor and we will be good"

He blushes bright red. Mission accomplished.

After a Few more random words, sentences and googly eyes, we had all introduced ourselves and even mum met all the boys just to make sure they weren't old men in disguise...being perverts.... God love our mum :)

N/A Hey guys sorry its short I hope you liked it :)

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