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Jung Hoseok as your Ex-Boyfriend

Jung Hoseok as your Ex-Boyfriend

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Part One


Author's Point of View

"That's a promise right?"

The girl asked her boyfriend about the promise he made.

"Yes, my love i promise after college we wil get married and have kids together, we will grow old together and die together, i promise you that."

  Hoseok said while looking at her beautiful eyes that makes him fall inlove with her even more.

"I promise you a good future"

Hoseok said while holding hands with her.

  The two couples holdings hands to each other while talking about their future. They planned a good, perfect future with each other.

  They sat down in the bench that was under a tree. Y/n's head leaning on Hoseok's shoulder as they watch the sun go down together.

What a beautiful moment they had.

While watching the sun Y/n suddenly spoke.


"Yes love?"

Hoseok answered while playing with her hair.

"What if our promises and plans won't happen? or it gets broken?"

Y/n said.

"I won't let that happen my love, your the only one i wanna marry in the future and i mean it. A promise is a promise okay?"

"If those things happen to us we should let ourselves be happy with someone else even though it's not me and you."

He continued.

Those words hurted you. What if it's not him that im going to marry in the future?

If he's not the one im gonna marry.

Then who?

Those questions was on your head as if it needed an answer.

"Babe it's getting cold we should go home"

Hoseok said while removing his jacket and giving it to you.

  You accepted the jacket as you walked together heading to the parking lot. Hoseok started making jokes that made you laugh.

These moments with him is the best memories you wanna keep forever.


Time Skip

Y/n's Point of View

"Love when is our next date? i miss you"

I said while talking to my boyfriend through the phone.

"Me too babe but i have a lot of assignments that i needed to do and i've been preparing myself for the upcoming bar exams for law."

He said while a having a tired tone in his voice.

  That made me worry just thinking of how tired he is because of the academics. I wanna help him but i've been preparing for the bar exams.

"Bye babe gotta go"

He said as he hanged up immediately.

I didn't even had the chance to bid him goodbye, i guess he's really busy.

  These past few months has been for the both of us. We don't go on dates anymore or talk to each other anymore because of how busy we were.

  This day was good because we had the chance to talk to each other even though we were still busy. Just hearing his voice makes me fall inlove with him more.

I want the old us back, but we can get through this.

  After the exams im planning to go on a trip with him so we can relax after a hell month in college.

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