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Min Yoongi as your Gangster Boyfriend

Where you and Yoongi is dating but is addicted to smoking and a gang leader

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Where you and Yoongi is dating but is addicted to smoking and a gang leader

Part Four


Author's Point of View

   For weeks, Y/N ignored Yoongi's texts and calls, determined to distance herself from the pain he had caused.

   Each day, she received messages from him, filled with apologies and pleas for forgiveness.

"Please, Y/N, I can't live without you. I know I messed up, but give me another chance,"

One text read. Another said,

"I'm so sorry, baby. I'll do anything to make it right."

   Despite her resolve, Y/N couldn't help but feel a mix of sadness and frustration every time she saw his name pop up on her phone.

   She remained firm, though, refusing to respond. She threw herself into her studies and spent more time with friends, trying to rebuild her life without him.

   Yoongi, on the other hand, wouldn't give up. He sent flowers to her house with notes begging for her forgiveness.

"I miss you so much. Please talk to me,"

One note read.

   He even showed up at her campus a few more times, hoping to catch her and talk, but Y/N always managed to avoid him.

   One evening, as she was studying in her room, her phone buzzed again. It was another message from Yoongi.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry for everything. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I'm begging you. Please, just talk to me."

   Y/N sighed, her heart heavy with the weight of his words.

   She knew he was sincere in his remorse, but the pain of his broken promises was still fresh.

   For now, she decided to remain silent, giving herself the space she needed to heal, even as Yoongi's pleas continued, desperate and constant.


   After weeks of ignoring Yoongi's texts and calls, Y/N finally got fed up and decided to talk to him.

   She invited him over to her house, hoping to resolve things once and for all. When Yoongi arrived, looking hopeful, Y/N didn't waste any time.

"We need to talk"

She started, her voice tight with frustration.

"I know, baby, and I'm so sorry"

Yoongi began, but Y/N cut him off.

"Don't 'baby' me, Yoongi. I'm your girlfriend too. Do you even care about me and our relationship?"

She asked, her voice shaking.

"I get so bothered when you go to strip clubs with your gang members. I hate it when you come home smelling like smoke and alcohol. It hurts me, Yoongi."

Yoongi looked taken aback.

"I just want to have fun"

He tried to explain, but Y/N shook her head.

"Fun? Is fun more important than us? You promised me you would change, but nothing is different. You keep breaking your promises and hurting me. Do you even realize how much it affects me?"

She demanded, tears welling up in her eyes.

Yoongi's face fell as he realized the depth of her pain.

"I... I didn't know it bothered you that much,"

He admitted, feeling a pang of guilt.

Y/N took a deep breath, trying to steady herself.

"It does, Yoongi. It really does. I need to know if you can actually change, because I can't keep going through this."

   The argument left both of them feeling raw and exposed. Y/N had finally voiced her deep-seated concerns, and Yoongi was confronted with the reality of his actions.


   After their heated argument, Yoongi left Y/N's house feeling frustrated and guilty.

   He returned to his mansion and decided to invite his gang members over to drink, trying to escape his troubled thoughts.

   His gang members showed up with bottles of alcohol and a group of girls, turning the mansion into a loud and chaotic party scene.

   Among the girls, Yoongi recognized Chia, a stripper he had seen at Namjoon's birthday party.

   She was beautiful and confident, with a sexy charisma that was completely different from Y/N's soft-hearted, student demeanor.

   As the night went on, Yoongi found himself drawn to Chia, appreciating her boldness and the way she made him forget his worries.

   They laughed and talked, and Yoongi felt a strange sense of enjoyment in her company.

   Meanwhile, back at her house, Y/N was crying and upset, feeling the weight of their argument and Yoongi's broken promises.

   She curled up on her bed, tears streaming down her face as she wondered if their relationship was beyond saving.

As Yoongi and Chia's laughter echoed through his mansion, the contrast between Chia's wild charm and Y/N's gentle nature became painfully clear, highlighting the growing distance between him and the girl he truly loved.

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