I'm afraid to speak

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I'm afraid to speak,
When I get to you,
Speaking, it's an unforgotten language,
A language that's forbidden for the weak,
Unspoken love is a sin,
You make it hard for me to say,
All my wishes, all my prays.

I'm afraid I'll die,
If I look into your eyes,
I'll get struck by your stare,
Like the stars do at night.

I'm afraid I'll trip,
When I walk past you,
You get me lovesick,
Like the night always does.

I hope all the birds,
Get to know the unknown,
And I hope that all of them,
Get to fall in love,
And when I'll see,
That all of them are free,
Maybe I'll get the courage,
To speak with you all lonely,
And I hope I'll fall so hard,
Like Icarus did,
That nor the stars can say,
Cause my love is so dearly.

I'm afraid I won't speak,
Just because I can't,
But all the flowers, all the leaves,
All they will find their place,
And I promise I won't sleep,
For you my love, my sweet,
Until I can finally find peace,
Waiting for your glance.

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