Chapter 5

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Chuuya had returned to where he last left Atsushi, but to his surprise, he wasn't there. Full of pure fear that something had happened to him. He checked the room for the second time then rushed out. 

"Has anyone seen Atsushi!?" Chuuya asked passing the nearby butlers and maids. They looked at each other and then shook their heads.

"No sir we haven't. Had something happened to him?" One of them asked

"He's gone missing!" Chuuya yelled with worry in his voice. The maids and butlers had shocked faces.

"Ok, sir we will look for him right now!" They said and rushed around alarming the rest of the maids and butlers.

Chuuya searched, "This place was huge it would take ages to find Atsushi." He thought to himself still looking behind each corner.

"Has anyone checked the garden?" He overheard,

"The garden of course maybe he went there!" Chuuya thought to himself and rushed over to the garden shoving the doors open with full force. He looked around and saw the boy with his silver hair sitting against the wall shaking. "There you are!" Chuuya yelled he then noticed that Atushi had frozen from his loud voice, "Sorry about that" Chuuya softened, "Why did you leave your room? You haven't properly healed yet, you should be resting"

"I-I'm sorry" Atsushi whispered staring at Chuuya with terrified eyes

"Come on calm down," Chuuya said as he slowly approached him, "I promise I won't hurt you Ok?" He then extended his hand forward towards Atsushi who just stared at the open hand then he stared back at Chuuya who had a grin that wasn't menacing it was kind in Atsushi's eyes. He then slowly grabbed Chuuya's hand who then pulled him into a hug.

"Please don't ever do that again" Chuuya mumbled, Atsushi was purely stunned by this action even with memory loss he felt like this was the first hug he had ever had that was kind.

After a few seconds passed Chuuya stopped the hug then grabbed Atsushi's hand, "Come on now I'm taking you back to your room OK?"

"Ok" Atsushi mumbled, he felt safe around him no matter what he felt like he could trust Chuuya with his life. 

After Chuuya and Atsushi reached his room Chuuya had another thing to do so he had to go leaving Atsushi alone once again.

"Before I go get some rest OK?" Atsushi remembered and then laid down in his bed, his heavy lids fell forcing him into a deep sleep.

A man in white stood in front of him with brown hair, Atsushi sat in front of him the place was dimly lit and only the moonlight from the window could be seen.

"Why are you still alive?" The man asked

"Huh?" Atsushi stared at the man

"Why are you alive?" The man asked again in a more serious tone

"W-why?" Atsushi questioned in confusion

"Why is a worthless child like you still alive!?" The man shouted this time


"Go die in a ditch!" He yelled and he saw the man was about to slam a heavy object on top of him.

He shut his eyes close tears formed and then.

He woke up. Sweat covered his face, heavy breathing, he wrapped his arms around him. "Why am I still alive?"

"I should die in a ditch"

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