After everything

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This is after everything yk like the prison break and everything also I'm gonna say Nikolai joined the agency too.

Sigma woke up in the hospital a bit confused and and all that cause he has been in a coma due to information overload and blood loss when he looked to his right he saw Nikolai

"YOU'RE AWAKE!!" Nikolai yelled

"How long was I asleep? Did Fyodor win?"  Sigma asked

"You've been asleep for a few months" His face got a bit sad "Fyodor is no longer with us." Nikolai said in a sadder tone which Sigma understood I mean they were good friends who wouldn't be sad about that?

"HE LOST? I honestly thought he won" Sigma was Suprised someone could beat Fyodor he never thought it was possible honestly

After a while Nikolai explained everything and how he was accepted into the agency and how Sigma was also accepted too

"Yeah! You helped a lot and Dazai did some talking with the boss too!" Nikolai exclaimed

"Really?! That's good." Sigma said in a bit of an excited tone

"Now then! Let's get out of here! You can stay with me!" Nikolai exclaimed

It was hard for Sigma to walk for a bit cause he was still recovering from the stab wound. After they got to Nikolais house he encouraged Sigma to rest a bit longer

"Thank you Nikolai." Sigma said with a smile

"No problemo!" Nikolai said with a little blush on his face

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