Hard Rock..?

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While it was painful they all kept walking, thankfully Branch was okay and awake.

They were now all in pain, this rock is very hot! They've never felt something so hot on their feet before!

As they walked Branch saw something up ahead, "Am I the...the only one..s-seeing that..?" He asked.

Creek shook his head, "I see it too.."

Poppy nodded.

Cooper shrugged, "I don't see much of nothing.."

Guy Diamond groaned, "I see it.."

DJ raised her hand, "I can see it.."

Smidge nodded.

Biggie shrugged but nodded, "Me and Mr. Dinkles can see it too."

The twins both nodded, "We both-" "-see it."

They all kept walking, it hurts so bad but they can't stop.

After at least another hour of walking, they all collapsed in front of the town, but quickly they jumped back up with loud yelps.

When Poppy looked around she noticed trolls and she nearly sobbed in relief, "O-Oh my.."

Branch actually began to scream and cry as he had a panic attack.

Creek tried to calm him down but it seemed he wouldn't calm down for a while.

The twins hugged eachother tight as they cried in relief.

Smidge bounced happily, "We're saved!" She cheered.

Cooper grinned and hugged DJ and Guy Diamond who both hugged back.

Biggie quickly noticed all the stares pointed at them, some seemed hateful, a few held pity, and some have concern, "Uh, guys..?"

Poppy looked up at them, "Please! Someone! Help us!"

Riff moved forward towards Branch, "I'll help this little dude, seems like he's had some tough times."

Creek nodded to Riff, "Please.." he whimpered softly.

Riff sat on the ground and gently pulled Branch with him, "Okay so, we're gonna take some deep breaths, okay? You can squeeze my hands as tight as you want."

Branch nodded a bit.

Riff smiled, "Here we go, in two, three, four, hold two, three, four, five, six, seven, out two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Good, again."

Queen Barb walked over, she had quickly been told of Pop trolls in her village and as much as she wanted to scream at them she needed to remain calm, she needed to know WHY they were here.

Barb walked over to Poppy, "Why are you here?"

Poppy then began to cry, she threw herself at Barb and hugged her tight, "W-We just barely escaped the b-bergens! Th-They ate everyone else!"

Barb's eyes widened, she pushed Poppy off of her but then she grabbed her shoulders, "What the fuck do you mean?"

Poppy looked at Creek who nodded and covered Branch's ears.

Poppy then turned back to Barb, "The bergens! They've b-been eating us for f-forever and-and they ate everyone else! We're the l-last of us!"

Barb's jaw dropped, "So not only are the pop trolls almost extinct, but you've got a grey troll with you, and none of you except him seem particularly panicked."

Then Poppy grinned, "Oh don't worry! Branch will get worse when he processes it all, and none of us have really processed anything!"

Satin spoke up, "Biggie processed!" She said as she and Chenille held up an unconscious Biggie.

Then Poppy giggled nervously as she fainted.

DJ caught her and passed her to Guy Diamond, "Please help us?" DJ asked.

Barb looked over to Branch who was still crying, but now his eyes were drooping, it seemed he was real tired out from his panic, she sighed and nodded, "Yes, okay. Follow me."

The pop trolls all sighed in relief and Creek dropped to the ground as he began to cry.

Cooper allowed Creek, Branch, and Poppy to sit on his back, once they were situated and he had Guy Diamond on one side and DJ on the other they began to follow as Satin and Chenille had help from Smidge to carry Biggie and Mr. Dinkles.

On the way, Branch had fallen asleep and Creek was holding an arm around his waist to make sure he didn't fall off of Cooper.

As they walked, Riff walked next to Creek, "Are you dating the little dude?"

Creek stared at him for a moment, trying to process the question, then he grinned, "Nah, this is our little brother in all but blood, he has no idea though."

Then Creek frowned, "His ACTUAL brothers abandoned him when he was a baby..Branch has some serious issues."

Riff nodded, "I see..now I'm gonna ask, are his brothers really to blame for leaving him?"

Creek looked upset and tried to speak, but Riff spoke first, "I don't mean that he shouldn't be upset about it! He has every right to be upset that they left, I'm just saying that they probably have their reasons for leaving..and Branch was only a baby you said? I doubt he would even think of that, even now depending on who took care of him."

Creek sighed, "His Grandma took care of him until he was four, she got eaten.."

Riff looked sad, "Oh..well who took care of him after that?"

Creek looked at Guy Diamond who nodded and spoke, "Branch turned grey when his Grandma died, nobody wanted him, they wouldn't take care of him, they would bully him, call him names, and keep all the other children away from him."

Riff looked at Guy Diamond in shock, "They shunned a traumatized four year old?"

Guy Diamond nodded sadly.

Riff scoffed in disgust, "Wow. Even to your own trolls."

DJ tilted her head, "What do you mean?"

Riff raised an eyebrow, "You're telling me you don't know what you are? Or what your ancestors did?"

The pop trolls who were awake just stared at him.

Riff groaned, "Oh my God, you don't know..."

He looked towards Barb and spoke a bit louder, "Barb! They don't know!"

Barb looked at him them at the pop trolls, "Do you know what kind of trolls you are?"

Guy Diamond spoke up, "Well I'm a glitter troll!"

The twins spoke together, "We're twins!"

Then Creek spoke, "I'm a guru!"

DJ Suki spoke again, "I'm a DJ! Poppy's a princess, we don't really know what Cooper is..Smidge is a three year old troll, Biggie is a gentle giant, and Branch is Branch!" She grinned.

Barb stopped walking and stared at them in shock.

She looked at Riff then back to them, "Oh. My. God. You don't know." She face palmed, "Damn!"

Then she grinned at them, "We are the Hard Rock trolls!"

They all stared at her confused, "Hard..Rock....?"

Then Guy Diamond spoke up, "Like the ground? Your music is the ground?"

Barb deadpanned.

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