Chapter 1 The Hunters Arrive

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Chapter 1 The Hunters Arrive

"Oh Ieyasu, wake up." said a teenage boy with messy brown hair and green eyes. His name was Tatsumi and he was currently trying to wake up his friend Ieyasu. "Alright you forced this on yourself." As an aura surrounded his hand and he formed a fist.

Tatsumi quickly pulled his arm back and punched his sleeping friend who on reflex woke up and caught the powered punch. The result of the punch caused Ieyasu to be the center of a newly formed small crater.

Ieyasu shot out of his sleeping bag. "Hey what's the big idea. I was having a really good dream." Ieyasu was Tatsumi's childhood friend and was currently sporting a bit of a bed head. Normally his hair would be spiky enough to pop a balloon. "Huh what happened to the campsite?"

"I packed everything already. All that's left is your stuff and some breakfast we saved for you." said Tatsumi pointing to the now mostly cleared clearing that they used last night as a campsite. Now being greeted by the morning sun.

"Oh the sun is already rising.I really slept in. Thanks for saving me some breakfast." he said as he began to roll up his sleeping bag. "So where's Sayo?"

Tatsumi pointed to a tree stump where a girl with long black hair was sitting cross legged. She was wearing a kimono skirt that complimented her figure and her above average bust. "She's currently making sure our path to the capital is cleared today."

The boys finished packing as Ieyasu ate breakfast a few minutes later they had breakfast and were packed and ready to go. All except for Sayo.

Tatsumi carefully nudged her a bit, her response was to slowly open her eyes. "Hey Sayo, is everything alright? Should we be expecting a fight?"

"I don't know." she said as she put her hand under her chin, in a thinking position. "I've been trying to figure out what those strange energy signatures I've been sensing. Some of them move and some don't, I just don't know what they are."

"You sure it just isn't that time of the month for ya." said Ieyasu grabbing his massive weapon that was wrapped up in cloth to hide it, but if anyone looked at it they would think it was some sort of massive club.

"NO this has nothing to do with that." said the girl glaring at Ieyasu. Ready to put a few arrows in him.

"Both of you stop." said Tatsumi in a calm voice. "Sayo hasn't been wrong so we got a bit of a walk ahead of us."

"So no running then." asked Ieyasu, getting depressed.
"Yep, only normal walking today." as the words came out of his mouth he too began to deflate a little.


"Look out, it's an earth dragon." said the caravan leader as a giant danger beast began to rise from the ground. The giant monster reached out to attack the caravan, but stopped when it felt something. It turned around to see in its final moments Tatsumi with sword in hand.

In the next moment, the earth dragon was chopped to pieces. Leaving everyone stunned. The caravan leader stepped forward and thanked Tatsumi. "Thank you young man. You were spectacular, you defeated that danger beast with ease."

"It was no problem." he said as his companions caught up with him.

The caravan noticed the other two and came to the conclusion that they were on par with the boy in front of him. "Hey you guys look strong, how would you guys like to come work for my uncle's shipping company."

"Sorry sir but we're just trying to get to the capital." said Sayo, kindly turning the man down.

"Come on now. Judging from your clothes you guys are looking for money right." trying to push the offer. "My uncle can pay you well."

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