Chapter 2: Moving in with Night Raid

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Chapter 2: Moving in with Night Raid

"Sensei, your total amazing students have returned." yelled Ieyasu leading the trio as they made their way through a forest that they've been calling home for a little over a year now.

"Ieyasu calm down, if you get too excited now you might fall asleep during the celebration." said Tatsumi "Man I hope sensei prepared a lot of food tonight." thinking of the party they're going to have.

"Look who's getting hyped now."

"Guy calm down." said Sayo as they arrived at their sensei's tent. "Sensei were back." waiting but they didn't get any response. "Sensei?"

Tatsumi raised an eyebrow. "Um guys, do either of you sense any Nen?"

They both use En to try and sense the surrounding area, but found nothing but a few woodland creatures. When they couldn't sense anything they entered the tent to find it empty void of anything except a small letter on the ground. Tatsumi reached down and opened the letter and began to read the letter out loud.

Dear Brats

Congrats for passing the test for becoming a something you guys are no longer brats. Well your still brats but brats that have at least proved to be capable of something. So here take my license, what you think you've earned or something, nope I'm going on vacation and if you want the last part of your training to be complete come find me. So you won't learn my secret technique unless you find me, which means with you guys I got a long vacation ahead of me. Might go to a beach and find some hotties to have fun with. Anyway good luck, I'm heading out, also if you don't accept my challenge well your chumps, that don't deserve the title you were giving. Have fun, don't die.

Your Master who's more awesome than you.

The three stood there for a moment after Tatsumi read the letter all feeling the same thing but Ieyasu decided to make himself vocal. "SON OF A BITCH!!!"

That's when Tatsumi decided to wake up. "Man it feels good to finally sleep in a bed." he said as he stretched. "Huh the suns already up, I think it's time to go check up on my new test dummies, I mean trainees."


"So let me get this straight, you guys ran into three kids with Teigu and One of them was able to take you all on at the same time." Said Najenda the commander of Night Raid. She was wearing a black eye patch on her right eye and had a robotic right arm. "How the hell did that happen?" she couldn't believe her elites had their ass handed to them so easily.

The group shifted a little still finding it hard to believe a kid was able to single handle take them on and even though he never gave them a full attack he showed just the vast amount of difference in their strength. "He said that it was some power called Nen. He also said he would be willing to teach us." said Akame

"And why would he do that?"

"Because this country sucks." said Tatsumi entering the room. "I've been in this country less then a week and I've had more people try to kill me or try to fuck over someone else life more then anywhere else I've been. This country is garbage."

'This guy was able to over power my men. He's just a kid and he doesn't give off a warrior vibe.' thought Najenda. "So on that alone you would teach us your power?"

"Hell no. My sensei and friends would have my ass if I taught you guys on that alone, but I am willing to think about it because of your unique nen weapons."

"Nen weapons? You mean the Teigu."

"And we need to have a chat." he said, sitting down on the floor. "Tell me about yourselves. I would like to know who the members of Night Raid are. Hell I barely know any of your names."

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